Chapter 18

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Sally POV

"So, Rachel must die." I whisper. "The human one, ok get me some dolls." He says in a raspy voice. I haul my toy chest over and he raises all my dolls to life. "She's walking down the hall to get water, hurry and go." I whisper-yell. Mr. Chubs and all the dolls leave the room.

Rachel POV
I trip over Sally's teddy bear that's just lying on the floor. I stand up and pick up the bear. "Hmm I guess you're kinda cute." I mumble. The bear grins and slices my cheek with a small dagger. I fall on my back and the bear stabs me in the calf. I shriek in pain when I feel small nimble hands on my forehead. I look up and see....... BARBIE DOLLS?!

They giggle and start pulling at my eyelids. I try to pry them off, but the bear stabs my straight in the wrist. "AARGH!" I scream in agony. The bear starts stabing my stomach, and blood lies through my mouth. My screams are gargled by blood. I look up and see Sally hugging the bear to her chest.

She sits right on top of my wounds. "Sally....... p-p-please it hurts." I cry. "People like you-" she starts but disappears when the sound of footsteps echo through the halls. I tremble and try to sit up but black out.

Brandy POV

Who on earth was screaming? I rub the sleep out of my eyes and stumble on something big. "What the- *gasp* RACHEL!" I lift her torso a little off the ground. "It...hurts." She mumbles softly. "Hold on, I'll get Slenderman so he can look after your wounds. She nods and whimpers in pain. I adjust Ben's shirt and bang on Slendy's door.

"Brandy? Why are you banging on slender's door? He's out hunting tonight." Masky emerges from his room in cheesecake pajamas. "Masky! It's R-Rachel!" I grab his hands and run down the hall. He lifts her and brings her to the IER. "I'll fix her up and report to Slendy." He says.

Nathan POV

I know it's the same bed, but it feels bigger. I miss when Brandy slept in bed with me. Im gonna go apologize. I hop off my bed and walk down the hall and see Brandy wiping something off the floor. "Is that blood?" I peer over her shoulder and she turns around. "Y-Yeah..." She turns back around and continues cleaning.

Then I notice something. "Why are you wearing Ben's shirt?" I growl. "Does that matter? Does the qaurt of blood I just cleaned up not bother you at all?!" She scolds and walk downstairs. I follow behind her. "No, because you're wearing another man's shirt!" I yell and grab her hand. " Look. I'm tired, mentally and physically. Leave. Me. Alone." She yanks her hand away from me and stomps down to the basement. Heh. So much for making up.

Brandy POV

Screw it. I can do whatever I want. And it's not like I slept with Ben. I don't even see him like that. Besides, Jeff and Sally were there. I place the bloodied towel in the washing machine. What could've done that to Rachel. I feel like Im being watched.

I sigh and put my head on the running machine. I feel a pair of hands rest on my hips. I turn around and the feeling disapears. I run upstairs to my room and look at Jeff, Sally, and Sally sleeping in the snow. I shake the snow off my comforter and slide in.

Nathan POV
-The next day-

"So, Brandy was trying to help Rachel?" Slendy asks Masky. "Yeah, there were tears in her eyes and everything. The sight of her crying is etched into my mind, and wont be coming out soon." Masky says. He's right it's hard to get the image of her crying to go away. "How do you know that she didn't do it?" I speak up.

"Cuz she was in the room the whole night, and we all heard screaming." Jeff says. "We went back to sleep but Brandy went to see what was wrong." Ben mumbles stuffing a pancake in his mouth. "Well we'll have to find out when Rachel wakes up." Hoodie says. The Sally comes skipping down the steps smiling a smile that could put Jeff's smile to shame.

"No presenting, the new and improved Brandy Hall!" She smiles. "C'mon Brandy!" She says. "No! I don't like it!" Brandy says. I raise an eyebrow and Sally drags Brandy out. She's wearing a white crop top, black skinny jeans, black and white converse, and a gold chain that says 'BOSS'. "Why is she wearing that?" Ej asks. "As you all know, Brandy is now a single woman. And she needs someone new." Sally smirks looking at me.

"I have to go, Im gonna be late." She swings her bookbag on and disappears into the woods. "Whatever." I mumble. "Haha! Someone is gonna take your sweet Baby Brandy away!" Ben teases. "Oh please. You have her wrapped around your finger, with her wearing your clothes." I blurt out. "NATHAN IS J-E-A-L-O-U-S!" Jeff laughs while stuffing a pancake in his mouth. He starts choking and I laugh. "And it seems Jeff is C-H-O-K-I-N-G!" I laugh harder.

Brandy POV

I start walking in the woods when a huge gust of wind blows by and I stumble backwards. When I catch my balance, I notice a pink bow on the ground. Is this Sally's? Oh no I'm late! I speed out of the woods and reach school before the bell rings.

"Hey Brandy, sorry for what I said. I... was just upset about being rejected." Alex mumbles. "It's ok, I guess I was a little blunt." I reply. "So we're cool?!" He hypes up excitedly. I nod my head and he sits down.

The bell rings and a group of 2 boys and 2 girls walk in. "Class, these are are new students." The teacher says. "Hey, I'm Shay." The boy with brown hair says. "Im Damian." The boy with black hair mumbles. "I'm Mina!" The girl with a bubbly aurora and orange hair sqeals. "Raven." The other girl says flatly.

"All right take a seat." The teacher instucts them. The boy with brown hair sits beside me. "Hey pretty lady." He whispers. I turn my head slowly and stare at him. "M-me?" I ask. He smiles and nods. "Hey! No fair! Shays making friends before me Damian!" Mina whisper-yells. "Dont care." Damian grumbles.

-time skip-
"But, if you did manage to grow a money tree..." me and Alex sit talking nonsense at lunch. "HEYO!" Mina sits right beside me and Raven sits on the other side of me. Damian and Shay do the same to Alex. We all just start talking randomly with each other.

"Bye guys!" I start walking home. There's that feeling again. I'm being watched. As soon as it comes it leaves again. I morph into half a cat and run home. "Why are you like a kitten?" Nathan asks. "Cuz it's comfortable." I put my bookbag down and check my phone. I got like 30 texts from Mina. 

👥Text from 'Mina'
M:Heyyyy gurl'
B:Hey wyd'
M:Chillin wit my sibs 👬👭 hbu'
B:Meh nothin important 😕'
B:Srry but I cant... Not tonight anyway'
M:Well wen u can u totally should!"

I giggle and Jeff runs down and snatches my phone. "HEY GIVE IT BACK!!" I shout. Ben runs down the stairs and grabs my staff out of my bookbag. "GIVE ME MY STUFF!!" I yell. The hold them above their heads and leave me to jump to try and catch them. My phone rings and Jeff answers it. "Hey, Brandy." Shit it's Shay. "Hello?" Jeff answers the phone putting me in a headlock. "Dont answer the phone! Jeff!" I shout.

"Is this Brandy's new boyfriend???" Jeff talks back.

Nathan POV

"Is this Brandy's new boyfriend???" Jeff says and I tense up. "No... not yet anyway." He says. "Who is this?" He asks. "Oh just ger brother." Jeff says I hear a girl shriek. "OMG BRANDY YOU HAVE A BROTHER?! IS HE HOT?!?!" She screams.

Brandy is about to answer when ben clasp his hands over her mouth. "Oh totally. Im a real ladies man." Jeff says. "Mm mm ph!!" Brandy struggles. "GROSS! SHE LICKED MY HAND!!" Ben sqeals. "Is that another brother Brandy?!" The girl screams. Brandy gets out of the headlock and grabs her phone. "No i have no brothers! Bye." She hangs up the phone and claws ben with her kitten paws.

"You shouldn't have done that." Ben tackles Brandy and she squirms. "I hope you're not trying to rape her." Ej walks downstairs. "Pfft! Why would I do that to such a child?!" Ben jumps up. "How old are you?" Ej asks. "17." "And Brandy?" "17" he answers quietly.
"Case closed." Ej says.

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