An Apple From the Golden Heart

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Hey! This fanfiction is based on the BEAUTIFUL comic by Aikersen on Tumblr!

I will put the link here:

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this little drabble and check out the original comic once you're done!



Remus was unpacking his bags when he heard James's voice call him from across the room.

"Oi, Moony! I ran out of snacks. Got some to share?" He was busy unpacking his trunk.

"Oh! Uh..." Remus tried to think if he had anything, but nothing came up. "Sorry, but I don't."

James shrugged and continued unpacking, and Remus started to do the same. It was when he got to his own bag that he remembered that his mother had packed him an apple. He turned to his friend with an excitement in his eyes.

"Wait! I do have something! Mum packed me a snack before I boarded the train!"

James smiled earnestly as he strode forward and clapped Remus on the back. "I knew I could count on you! What is it?"

"Give me a moment..." Remus rummaged through his bag and found the delicious, shiny red fruit nestled between two of his books. With pride, he pulled it out and presented it to James. "Here you go!"

However, Remus's stomach plummeted at the disappointment that made itself known on the other boy's face.

"An apple?"

Suddenly, embarrassment came over Remus as he replied, "Yeah," with his voice barely above a whisper.

"Pfft! This is whack, man!" snorted the Gryffindor, unable to rein in his subsequent laughter. "I thought you actually had something!"

"But I thought that —"

"Forget it, yeah?" James patted Remus's shoulder sympathetically and went back to unpacking, not sparing the werewolf another glance.

"Sorry," said Remus, feeling the instinctive need to apologize for his error. Sighing, he put his apple back and continued unpacking his bag.

NOVEMBER 30, 1995

"An apple?"

Severus looked surprised that Remus hadn't had malicious intentions for seeking him out after the Order meeting. Remus thought, since Severus always refused to stay for dinner, that he'd give him something to eat.

"Yeah. I really appreciate you helping the Order." Suddenly, anxiety overtook Remus's system as Severus just looked at him.

"Please take it," Remus begged. "I'm sorry. I know it's not much, but it's — it's all I have. I'm sorry." The werewolf had an underlying fear that Severus would be even meaner to him about this simple gesture than James had been twenty years ago. Over the years, he had learned that not many people liked apples. It was sad, he had mused time and time again, for they really were delicious.

And juicy.

Remus watched Severus closely as the other man seemed to seriously consider his request. At the same time, he prepared himself for the worst — an inevitable but cruel rejection. The tension inside his body rose to unbearable levels as Severus went so far as to raise an eyebrow.

However, what Severus said next shook Remus to his very core.

"You really apologize way too much."

Severus took the apple from Remus's hand and bit into it, smiling blissfully at the taste. The Slytherin shocked the Gryffindor even more with his next word:


As Severus walked away, Remus realized that for once, someone actually cared about his feelings. Someone actually valued him.

That realization alone made him feel happier than he had ever felt in a long time.

An Apple From the Golden HeartWhere stories live. Discover now