Chapter 19

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Soon they were all home at the compound. Cassidy had promised a StarBucks run with Okoye and a trip to Disney World with Shuri when they came to visit in a month. Now a couple weeks had passed and Cassidy was thriving again.

Her weight became more healthy and her muscles became stronger as she did small workouts, but she still had another week or two to get her back to normal. The doctors said it was because of the super soldier serum that she lived through her experience and kept some muscle, as well as rapid healing. Her freckles became less prominent on her pale skin as she spent time in the sun. Her eyes held the brightness that they once lacked. She still was not allowed to walk, especially after Bucky and Steve walked in on her trying to walk around and she had promptly fallen on her face. Needless to say, she received a tongue lashing and puppy dog eyes that made her feel guilty, but she learned to become observant of where everyone was when she was rarely alone. She even managed to get Friday to be quiet about it.

Right now, after more than two weeks of being home, Cassidy was restless. True to her stubborn self, she was determined to walk without assistance. After the exercises she had done for weeks, Cassidy felt confident in herself to try. She was tired of people treating her like she was made of glass.

Bucky had left to get them both lunch from the compound's kitchen, and since she was out of danger with her health, chances were he would talk to someone without practically sprinting back. The chances were indeed high because Cassidy promptly said she was wanting lunch when she knew Steve and Sam would be having lunch in the kitchen. She only had a few minutes to get up, and she was determined. As much as she loved and adored the man, she needed him out if only for five minutes.

As soon as Bucky closed the door she got into the stupid wheelchair next to her bed and sat down. Her bed was too low for her to grab onto, otherwise she would try to stand and fall forward. A lesson she learned quickly.

Cassidy rolled herself over to her dresser, and using the handles she pulled herself up and out of the chair. Cassidy felt sweat beginning to form on her temple and her legs trembled from the effort she was putting on them. Cassidy's legs were not as skinny as they once were when she was rescued, but weak from the lack of use.

"Okay," Cassidy breathed as she clung to the dresser, "Okay, I've got this. Baby steps, easy right?"

Cassidy took a deep breath in and closed her eyes, the last time she did this she fell over as soon as she moved. She inched her foot forward and Cassidy yelped as her knee almost collapsed on her. She clung to the heavy dresser as she fell down somewhat, but pulled herself back up.

"Come on," Cassidy felt tears of frustration blurring her vision, "Just one step."

As she took a moment to compose herself, it proved to be a moment too soon. Bucky came barreling in. The sudden intrusion nearly made her fall again.

"What the heck, Buck!?" Cassidy yelled, "Are you trying to make me fall!?"

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Bucky put his hands on his hips being clearly upset.

"I was about to try and walk," Cassidy huffed as she prepared to try again to take a step but paused, "Wait...How did you know what I was doing?"

"Friday alerted me that you were doing something stupid," Bucky deadpanned.

"Traitor," Cassidy murmured to herself before looking at Bucky, "For the record, I am not doing something stupid."


"Really. I am trying to walk!"

"That is something stupid! You can't walk yet!"

"Yes I can!" Cassidy felt her legs trembling at the effort they were being put through, "I am not an invalid!"

A Game Of Hide and Seek - A Bucky Barnes Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now