dumb and dumber

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"oh shut up its such a pleasant smell u two are disgustingly clean and hygienic peoples~~

a third voice said that made them snap their neck and the sight made their stomach churn in displease and they puked over.

"ohh its amazing meeting well lemme introduce my self then~~ i am ....



"I am hyginiee~~~" the person said his name while grinning.

"what??? you hyginiee what a rubbish!!!"

"ohh i love rubbish soo introduced yourself~~~" hyg said

"i am kevin and he is jared."

"ohh jared it seems you are nerd and kevin you are the bad boy one huh???" he said while guessing them by their outfits.

"what me nerd???? how can you say so??? is it written on my face??" jared said while fuming.

"umm actually no its just your outfit."

"well its the first time this trash said something..... right come on nerd~~~" kevin said while teasing him

"ughhh fine now what to do??? i am soo frustated how are we going to escape this place damnnnn i am going crazy!!!" jared said while pacing back and forth.

"hey how about we ask the one who helped us in escaping???"

"that old man and young girl???"

"yup they both only as they helped us so they must know something."

"hey you hygine do you know those two who brought us here??" kevin asked him

"ohh you mean rebbecca and jordan??" he said while acting as if he was thinking.

"yes them what ever there name is."

"yup actually they are here."

"behind you~~"

they both turned their only to see doors closed.

"its not time for joking you dustbin tell us!!!" kevin said frustated

"ohh my you two and dumb and dumber." hyg said sighing.

"i meant to say behind the doors."

"ohh thanks" they said and quickly went from there.

"kevin??" the other hummed

"in us who do you think he was refering as dumb and dumber???" jared asked innocently.

"of course i am dumb duh..." kevin said moving ahead while rolling his eyes.

"yupp!! wait if you are dumb then i am dum- yaaaa come back you little shit!!!!"

heyy i know this ch is short

wait till something comes in this small brain.

take care~~

love yourself~~



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