Chapter 16: So Close

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Xavier POV:

"You have to come with me! Everyone expects that we show up together! What will people think of me, if you shower up separately?" Katerina whines.

I would like to answer with the truth. Which is that I honestly did not care. I do not care about her nor what people think about her. But now is not the time for honesty. I am so close to being with my princess and I cannot risk Katerina getting in my way. If she starts whining to her father, her father will whine to my dad and then my dad will come for me. While I would like to be honest, it is just easier to pacify the ugly witch.

"I will see what I can do, but I may get held up at work. You know how I cannot control my schedule. No matter what, you can arrive with my family. What will people have to say, when you are arriving with the King and Queen?"

"Of, course. And this will show how close I am to your family. I guess it will do."

She quickly leaves to get ready. It usually takes her the whole day to get ready for functions like this. That's another difference between her and my princess. My Rose never cared much for her looks, and she never had to. She has a natural beauty, that Katerina strongly lacks. I will get to see this beauty again tonight!


I stand hidden a balcony with Mick. We have the perfect viewpoint on the ballroom, but no one can see us. Tim had just let us know that the Witmens were arriving, along with my beautiful Rose. I wait anxiously and am unable to take my eyes off the entrance. I do not have to worry about the king because he is standing on the far end on the room, while people swam around him trying to gain attention. No one knows I am here yet, which is very crucial for my plan to work.

I am brought out of my thoughts when the door opens and the Witmens come in followed shortly by their son with the most beautiful person I have ever seen hanging off his arm, but it wasn't my Rose.

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