Draco and Harry's dinner "date"

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Harry 1st person POV

Today is the day. I am going to have dinner with Draco Malfoy. I don't know why I'm so scared. Worried? I don't even know what I'm feeling. Excited?

Draco and I dated in the fifth and sixth year after I dated Cho. We broke up though because he had to be a Death Eater and I became in love with Ginny. Ginny's amazing and all, but I always wonder how it would be if I married Draco...

I put on my best suit and tell Ginny that I'm heading out.

"Now? At dinner?" she says. 

"Yes, now Gin. Ruby's at Ron and Hermione's,  so you'll have some time to yourself. I promise I'll be back soon love." I say while kissing her cheek.

She smiles softly at me as I open the door and leave.


I see Draco at Clos Maggiore. Of course, it would be Draco to pick such a restaurant. He looks stunning though, with his wavy blonde hair let loose and his silver suit complimenting his pale skin. He smiles softly when he sees me.

"Hello Harry," he says while signaling to a table in the back of the room. We both sit down.

"Hey, Draco." 

"Sorry for sending my daughter, Salazar is sick and I don't have a phone."

I roll my eyes. "Of course, you name your owl Salazar."

He chuckles, and my heart melts a little. "Well, I planned on naming him Godric, but he's silver, not gold or red, so I decided on Salazar."

My heart twinges when I get reminded of that. Draco and I had planned to get a barn owl named Godric. "Draco...you know I'm married."

He sighs. "Yes, I know Harry. Can't two friends meet up after a very long couple of years?"

I smile at him. "Yeah, they can. So, tell me, what're you doing these days?"

"Well, not much since Astoria passed away." He said it like it didn't mean anything, but I could see the hurt in his eyes. "But, I've been planning to get rid of any dark objects that I have, the result of our bump-in the other day, and I'm going to interview to get a job at the Ministry. I was planning to be an Unspeakable since I was sixteen after all. What about you, Mr. Head Auror?"

I grin at him. "Those sound like great plans Draco. And, not much for me either. I jumped all over the Ministry for a job that I preferred, and I decided to go with being an Auror, my fifteen-year-old dream. Hermione put me on desk duty though, 'cause Ginny and I are expecting again, and 'Mione doesn't want me to get hurt."

Draco smiled at me. "You're expecting? Congratulations." He sounded happy but his eyes said otherwise. 


"Harry, I get it. It's okay. Really, congratulations."

The waitress came over, and Draco and I ordered our food and drinks. 

In the middle of eating our food, Draco speaks up. "I still didn't thank you."

"For what - oh." Many years back after the war, Draco and Narcissa were going to join Lucius in Azkaban. I faced the Ministry, and with the combined effort of me, Hermione and Ron, they were free to go but would be closely watched for the next two years after that trial. Narcissa did save my life after all, and I still had small feelings for Draco at the time even though I was with Ginny. 

"Yeah, mum says you can come over anytime. She is old and lonely after all," Draco chuckles. 

"Draco, you know I wanted you and your Mum not to go to prison. You both are important to me. Narcissa did save my life, and you...well, you had brought happiness that I didn't have in a long time."

Draco smiles at me. "Look at the famous Chosen One, getting all sentimental."

I laugh at him. "Look who's talking."

Draco playfully glares at me. "Oi!"

We talk and laugh while eating the rest of our food. 

"I should take my leave, Ginny's waiting at home and Ruby would be back from Ron and 'Mione's by now," I say, standing up after paying.

Draco nods. "It was nice seeing you again Harry."

"You too Draco. Goodbye." I walk away, but not after glancing back and seeing Draco's soft smile. 


I walk through the front door and I'm immediately met by a tackling hug.

I laugh. "Hey, Rubes."

"Daddy! Where were you? You were gone for like, a million years!"

Ginny walks into the room and smiles at us. "Hey Harry, I was just about to put Ruby to bed."

Ruby frowns. "I don't need a bedtime, I'm ten!"

Ginny laughs and picks Ruby up. "Mhm, yep."

Instead of protesting, Ruby opens her mouth and yawns. "Okay, maybe I am a little sleepy."

Ginny smiles at our daughter. "Yes, I think you are. Harry, I'll put her to bed. You should go washen up, tomorrow's work again."

I nod at my wife. "'Kay Gin."

Ginny walks away with an almost guilty look in her eyes. What's that about?


Hey readers, I'm so sorry I didn't upload in a while. I was on vacation last week, and the internet was super poor. I really apologize for the inconvenience, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please comment and share. 

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