First day of sixth year P2

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Albus 1st person POV diary entry

Dear Diary,

The first day of sixth year. Yikes. 

Scorpius and I had this moment today morning. I dunno what it was exactly but it's like I fell in love with him all over again. Ugh, I really need to sort things out.

Anyway, we're in our first class right now: Charms. Professor Flitwick is yapping on about the cleaning charm, and what to practice. But I was too busy staring at Scorpius.

He is leaning back in his chair, his platinum blond hair waved around his face. His stony gray eyes look concentrated, taking notes. We were taking Charms with the Gryffindors, so Rose is there, her bushy red hair framing her face. She and Scor are conversing about something, and Rose keeps glancing at me every couple seconds. I hate not being included in stuff. 

I used to think Scorpius fancied Rose. But, last year, I learned that he might fancy me. Life is super complicated. But I mean, if he does marry Rose, at least we'll be related! That'll be cool.

Okay well, I'm writing to you in class if you couldn't tell diary, and Professor Flitwick is coming over here, so I'll talk to you later. 


a bored Albus 

Scorpius 1st person POV

"See ya Rose."

Albus, Ram, Lucas, Zion and I are heading to our next class; Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall is still teaching Transfiguration. She's ancient, but she keeps going. I think she loves us too much. Anyway, Albus keeps staring at me. I keep wondering, what if Lily was right? What if  Al and I really have that 'We're not dating but we totally like each other' fiasco going on. 

But that's impossible. Who would like me? 

"Come in students. Welcome to another year of Transfiguration." Professor McGonagall says as we enter her classroom. 

I sit in a chair at the front of the classroom. I don't know why people sit at the back; the teachers obviously look there first and I like to see the board clearly.

"Hey Minnie," Albus says, grinning as he takes a seat beside me.

Professor McGonagall scowls fondly at Albus. "Hello Mr. Potter." And again, she doesn't tell him off for calling her by her 'Marauder nickname'. Minerva McGonagall has softened up too much.

"Okay class. Today we will be having a review. There will be no homework today, but there will starting tomorrow," Minnie - er, Professor McGonagall says, heading up to the board. Told you, she softened up too much.


After Transfiguration, we had lunch. The boys and I headed towards the Great Hall, and take our usual seats at the Slytherin table. Spotting us, Rose quickly walks over and sits by Albus. Different house students can sit at different house tables as long as everyone's respectful these days, so yay for us!

"Hey Rose-" Al and I begin to say, but then a very furious Lily storms over and plops down next to me.

"Okay, I guess it's now hey Lil, what happened?" Albus says, looking at his younger sister.

"Nothing. Just pass me the mashed potatoes," Lily says, reaching over and grabbing the mashed potatoes herself. 

"Okay..." Albus says, dragging out the 'y.' 

We tried to get Lily to tell us what happened after a silence of five minutes, but she wouldn't budge. Giving up, we headed to our next class; Potions. As Professor Slughorn taught Potions nowadays, we basically just heard how amazing Al's dad was and how we should all strive to be like him. I think that's why Albus hates Potions.

Potions drifts by really fast. Slughorn just talks about stuff we're going to learn this year. When he says, 'Felix Felicis,' he seems so proud. I'm betting it's because of Harry Potter again.

Honestly, the rest of the afternoon goes by really fast too. After Potions, we had Herbology and then Divination (Arthimancy in Rose's case) and then we were done with classes for the day. I still seemed very nervous about this year though. Based on whatever the teachers were saying about what we're going to learn this year, I wasn't in any trouble, but I was still in trouble in the Albus department. 

While getting into bed, Albus, who slept on the bed nearest to me on my right side, asked me, "Scorpius, you look tense. You still nervous about classes?"

"Well, yeah, but also something else," I responded, not looking him in the eye.

Albus just nodded though, turned off the light and turned over so his back was facing me. I yawned softly and turned over too. As my sister Alina said earlier today,  today was a very long day.


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry about the late chapter, and I hope you can forgive me (😭) but school  is starting and I have to get ready for it (as my school starts in less than a week, but I'm sure most of your schools have opened already and you're already on your way to learn through this year.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and make sure to vote, comment, and share! 

Love your writer,


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