Chapter 1: Woods of Silence.

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Ruby: are you sure we should be here Yang? I mean this is one of the places that...

Yang: relax sis, I only want to explore for a little, what could go wrong?

Ruby: I don't know, monsters, the white fang, many things could go wrong.

Yang: oh stop your worrying sis, besides you have your Cresent Rose and I have my gauntlets.

Ruby started to calm down a bit, but when she heard a twig snap by something she jumped up and landed in Yangs arms.

Ruby: what was that?!

Yang dropped Ruby on her feet and they looked around for a bit, not finding anything.

Yang: might just be a rabbit or something. Let's go back if you're so...

Ruby: so what... paranoid?

???: that might be the word.

Ruby and Yang looked up to see a kid about Yangs age with black hair, dark blue eyes, wearing a black jacket and jeans, and held two reversed knifes that looked like Riddicks blades. He also had ears like Blake's.

Yang: the hell are you doing here?

???: not your business, now if you'll excuse me I'll be leaving.

As the boy climbed down the tree, Yang grabbed him and pinned him to the tree.

Yang: who the hell are you and why are you following me and my sister?

Ruby: Yang I think we accidentally walked to him, I don't think he followed us.

Yang: I think I'll be the judge of who this Faunus is and what he is doing.

???: I'm standing right here you know.

Yang tightened her grip on the unknown person, which made it harder for him to breath as she had him by the neck.

Ruby: Yang you're killing him.

Yang: why should I care? He was...

The kid used his upper body to lift himself up and kick Yang in the chin. He landed his feet on the tree and launched off of it past Ruby.

???: now if you'll excuse me I'll be off, again.

The kid started running the direction of the academy, with Yang and Ruby chasing after him. Ruby started to call Weiss and Blake to see if they could cut them off.

Meanwhile with Weiss and Blake.

Weiss was in the middle of organizing her belongings while Blake sat on her bed reading a story about a knight fighting off demons of the underworld.

Weiss: I'm getting a call from Ruby, ya Ruby what is it. Wait a who, a Faunus is running to the academy? Is he a white fang? Ok we're on our way.

Blake looked up from her book and saw Weiss pull her off the bed and told her to grab her stuff. She did what she was told and they ran off out.

They ran into Jaune and Pyrrha walking down the hall. They stopped them and ask what was going on.

Blake: Ruby and Yang are chasing some kid, can we get your guys help?

Pyrrha: will do, let's go Jaune.

The four ran outside with there weapons drawn into the middle square area. They looked towards the forest where they heard gunshots being fired.

Jaune: that sounds like Ruby's gun.

Suddenly they saw the kid running to them. He stopped before getting close to them and tried to turn around, but he was blocked by Ruby and Yang. He took some steps back until he was surrounded by the 6.

Yang: you have some explaining to do, who are you and why did you run?

???: fine, I guess I should...Shadows unite!!

Suddenly a black mist surrounded his body, making it to where the others couldn't see him.

Blake: what did he do that?

Weiss: I don't...

The mist disappeared and the same kid was now holding one black sword, his eyes were now red, and he was looking right at Blake.

Blake: you? But it can't be.

The unknown person smirked widely, showing some of his sharp fangs, and spun in a circle quickly making him disappear.

Jaune: who was that? And how did you know him Blake?

Blake: he's...he's...he was my friend and I thought he died a long time ago.

Weiss: what is his name?

Blake tried to not answer the question, but everyone looked at her trying to get it out of her.

Blake: Khristien, his name is Khristien.

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