Chapter 5: Old enemies.

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Team RWBY walked to one side of the arena, Khristien sitting at the stands to watch the four fight against team ABRN. The fight was intense, but in the end Yang punched them all out of bounds, making them win.

Just as Khristien was about to stand up, he noticed below him was a group of three people. One was a girl who had light dark skin with a green outfit the showed off her stomach. Another was a white male who wore a grayish jacket and light hair. But the one Khristien could recognize, Cinder.

Khristien: You have to be kidding me.

He goes to get up, but is suddenly stopped by Cinder, grabbing his shoulder.

Cinder: Well isn't this a...pleasant surprise?

Khristien growled lightly, and turned around to her and the other two, who stood idly.

Khristien: So you're here to ruin who's day now? Because just looking at you is slowly destroying mine.

Cinder: Relax, I'm not gonna hurt anyone. Or am I? Really depends who you ask.

Khristien: I'm asking you.

Cinder looked over at the girl in the green hair, hearing the name Emerald fill Khristien's ear. She also whispered to, who he heard as, Mercury.

Cinder: Walk with me please.

She reached out her hand, giving Khristien a begging look. He regretfully took her hand to his and they walked out the arena.

Cinder: Hungry? I just had a battle and boy am I starved.

Khristien didn't respond, he practically refused to. Thinking in his head what she might have had planned.

Cinder: Babe, why aren't you...

Khristien: Don't call me that. That ship has sailed away. We used to go out and now we don't. I left the White Fang for a reason, and you played a big part in that reason.

Cinder: Oh please we dated for a month and you're gonna say we...

Khristien forced his way out of her grip and walked to another direction, Cinder chuckling under her breath.

Cinder: One day.

Khristien watched as Ruby was talking to Emerald, but she soon left. He walked up to the group and asked who that was.

Ruby: She's a student here, we don't see them much.

The five walked around until they grew hungry. They walked to a noodle shop where a familiar old man was selling. Yang ordered the special, Ruby ordered the same, Weiss asked for something with low salt but ended up with the same thing as Yang and Ruby. Blake only nodded at the man, and he nodded back. Rushing in the back room and back out he brought out a bowl of fish, which made Blake go star eyed.

Khristien: Why am I not surprised?

Weiss took out her card as Khristien also ordered himself noodles. She gave it to the man to pay for the food.

Yang: Aww Weiss what's the occasion?

Weiss: Just thanks for getting me to the second rankings.

Suddenly her card was thrown back to Weiss in a throwing star like manner. When everyone looked up they saw in horror as the card got declined.

Weiss: Declined! I was barely into my monthly allowance...

Just as she was talking Blake tried to sneakily take the bowl of fish, but was taken quickly.

Khristien: Well that sucks. Oh well I guess...

Pyrrha: I could pay for you.

The five looked over to see team JNPR standing on the other side of the concussion stand.

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