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"Mum is this really necessary? "I stared out of the window in disgust. My mum glanced down at me anxiously.
"Oh, come on Nessy I really don't understand what all the fuss is about." 

All the fuss? Was she insane? Not only was she taking me camping against my will; she invited Brooke and her family. Brooke was an interesting girl. We had this undeniable fire between us, but it usually translated into anger and resentment. I knew that I was not the easiest person to understand,but there was something about her that was so different. I sighed deeply as I continued to glare out the window. I had been up early and sleep Welcomed me to its grasp.

I woke up in a startling mess, as a felt a strong flick on my forehead. I cracked my eyes open, only to see Brooke grinning over me.
"Good afternoon sleeping beauty," she jeered, an arrogant smirk plastered on her face. 
" Good afternoon mother Gothel !" I retorted in the cheeriest tone I could muster. Her smile quickly disappeared as I laughed to myself.

My mother and I had arrived at 2 am this morning; turns out that I had slept throughout the morning and had continued my slumber into the late afternoon.
"What time is it?" I asked as I did a brief scan of the surrounding area. Nothing very exciting. I stroked my invisible beard as a thought of how I would use the next three days. It then hit me like a ton of bricks; I had packed my guitar. Without hesitation, I reached into the backseat of the car to grab my music baby. Dopamine rushed inside as I strummed. Not to sound cocky, but my music was good. Really really

"What a brilliant idea Hunny!" My mother's excited voice broke meout of my self-centered trans. I stared at my mother with curiosity as I enquired," what is?"
Mum smiled a knowing smile. From that look alone I was concerned. "You and Brooke will walk in the woods together, it's a perfect way to bond!". My eyes widened. I caught Brooke as she rolled her eyes so far back that I thought they would get stuck. I mirrored her actions. I exited the car with my guitar held tightly under my left arm and strutted right past her in the direction of the slightly tamed forest. Clue another eye roll. I looked back and plastered a sickly-sweet smile in Brooke's direction." You coming Mother Gothel?" I began to walk, not waiting for a reply. In about half a minute, I felt her presence next to me. Silence. I wasn't a fan of small talk, but this silence was extremely uncomfortable. I looked back and realized we had walked out of sight of our parents. I found a tree stump and sat down. The grass was dry and crisp; the warm summer sun peaked through the collection of leaves on the trees above, causing a peaceful glow to fall in our area. I looked up for the first time to study Brooke. She stood, leaning slightly against a rough tree as she met my gaze. A small smirk tickled the corners of her lips. Those lips. I started to play softly, never leaving her gaze. She smiled and opened her mouth. I couldn't have prepared myself for what came out. The most beautiful voice I had ever heard escaped her lips effortlessly. She could sing?! She realized my change in demeanor and attempted to mask a sniggered. 
"you say I am loved." I jeer, with a snigger dancing on my lips as I sang my own lyrics to my tune, " yet I don't feel a thing."
"you say I am strong." she retorted, her back rested on the coarse part of a nearby tree, "but I know I am weak." I approached her; arrogance saturated my stride. My entire firm body collapsed against her, forcing her back against the coarse bark. Her feminine fingers quickly found my long curls as I drove my tongue through her open-mouthed gasp.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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