the girls are fighting

930 7 3

thanks for 100 reads on whatever this is
Obama pov
obama approached harry hesitantly his chocolate covered potato brown oRBS staring into 'arrys beautiful emerald grass plant avocado lettuce shrek-esque snot vomit green oRBS

"ello luv wuts the matta?" said harry

"uhhh errr i have just received some...bad news" obama vocalized

"wuteva it is i wont be mad at you luv"
harry assured obama

"umm the media knows about us"
obama said

"well of coorse they dou were famoos amd your the bloody president" said harry

"No you silly goose 😋🤪🤪..they know about us like being together"

"how?? we were verray must have been yoU, you told someone and thEY told the media you KNOBHEAD" harry accused him

"NO i would never do that Hairy you know that if you just let me explain"

"i dont believe you AND i dont want tou tawlk to yoU anymooor were done ill go get your fings" harry says as he walks upstairs only to return a minute later with a duffle bag full of clothes, his limited edition jeffery star pallet, his bryce hall merch and his vinnie hacker shrine

"Harry no"


i kid you not i spent a solid 5 minutes trying to remember the word shrine and my amazing friend geothe remembered it for me so..thx

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