Chapter 5

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Louis POV
She's gone. she's freaking gone.
I can't believe I let them take her. I got her into this now I'm gonna get her out of this.

I started to walk into the bathroom trying to look for clues,but no. Nothing. I can't believe the first girl I was actually into is gone.

I was broken.

I walked down stairs determined to find her then the weirdest thing happened.
All the lights turned off and all the huge tvs in the house turned on. what I saw was unbelievable...

Avery's POV
I couldn't see anything since a bag was thrown over my head.

I just felt it when the two people dragged me into what I believe was a basement...?

I was harshly thrown onto a cold metal chair. My arms and legs were tied up and finally the bag was removed from my head.

"Well well well, look who we have here." a brunet girl with hazel eyes said with an evil smirk as she twisted my hair around her fingers.

"Who the fuck are you?!?!" I spat "Watch your language bitch." she said harshly pulling my hair.

"Zac!!" She screeched and soon a tall guy with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes walked in the room.

"Let's do it." she said while smirking.

There was a camera placed in front of me and then I saw... Louis?

"Louis," I cried "Avery?, Emma? What the hell are you doing." he spat furiously at "Emma" while running a hand through his hair.

"Nice or see you too Louis," said Emma "now let's see, what should I do first," she said while putting a whole bunch of different tools on the table where the camera was.

"Emma don't do this," Louis spoke. I couldn't really see what the tools were the. She picked up a lighter and played with it. "You should have thought of that before you decided to do what you did.." said Emma still playing with the lighter "Emma please," he begged "that was five fucking years ago!! Don't make Ave suffer for this." he pleaded.

"Too late Lou.." she said walking towards me and lighting the lighter. she placed the lighter really close to my arm "please don't" I pleaded while tears flew out of my eyes.

She placed the fire on my skin burning the cells in my arm while I screeched in pain "Emma please stop!!!" Screamed Louis with tears now in his eyes.

"Like I said you should have thought about what you did before you did it" she said running the lighter up and down my arm leaving it black while i violently sobbed trying to escape. "Don't you just love the smell of burning flesh Lou?" Emma giggled evilly while Louis begged her to stop. she finally stopped and put out the fire.

My skin on my arm was left black and raw at the same time. it was a black mixed with the dark red of my burning flesh. I actually felt relieved... then she came back with a big knife. "this skin is dead anyway," she said while slicing the black raw flesh as I screamed as loud as I possibly could "please stop," I begged but all she did was laugh and cut deeper and deeper into my skin.

"Louis," I cried "please help me," after she finally finished slicing my raw skin which was not dripping dark red blood "What the fuck do you want Emma," he asked furiously "I want 50k by midnight at the ally that's just down the street from your flat. come alone and you'll get the girl." "Okay I'll do it just please don't hurt Ave," he pleaded while a few tears slipped from his eyes..

Louis POV
What I saw was truly unbelievable. fuck Emma I swear I'm going to kill her when I see her.

I don't know why she was that mad. All I did was cheat on her and she walked in on me having sex with another chick but that was 5 fucking years ago..

I have to get 50k by tonight. She said to come alone, but there is no way I'm doing that. I know she's gonna have Zac and Jake with her. I'm gonna bring Niall Harry Liam and Zayn...

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