Chapter Three : Now What?

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Author : I know that this is pretty short, but I lost the original version after I wrote it and had to re-write it. Sorry.

It has been several days since that dinner. Nothing interesting happened in that time, without counting the usual crashing sounds from Mey-rin falling and Bardroy exploding the kitchen (the third time! Seriously, what is wrong with those people?!)

Besides that, we had to clean away all those bodies. Me and my Sebas-chan had to do that job and it took us qute a while... Well, mostly because half of that time I was trying to hug him and he was dodging all my tries to do so.

As a result I was quite grumpy and I remained in that condition for the rest of the day. The other servants avoided me and with a concern. They knew what I was able to do when I was angry or not happy, at least.

Not counting that thing, the rest of the week was peacefull. I continued checking the people in the To-Die list and was doing that job quite adeptly. I didn't have any interactions with William, althought I saw Ronald once while I was finishing my job. That young reaper is so full of energy and his company is way better than being supervised by Will.

It was a pretty peacefull week, except the weekend. That was when Elizabeth came to visit Ciel.

"Ciiiiiiieeeeeeeeel~!" I heard her scream when she rushed to pull Ciel into a hug from the other end of the mansion. Luckily, I wasn't there and she didn't even know yet that I was a servant at the Phantomhives.

I chuckled, then returned back to boiling the water for Ciel's afternoon tea. I had to do that because Sebby was busy with somekind of a job I wasn't allowed to know about. I bet it was something super-exciting, so I was jealous of him doing it and not me.

I soon was ready with the tea. Pushing the cart down the corridor, I remembered where Ciel told me to bring the tea - in the drawing room. After I fixed my glasses, I walked to there in no more than a minute.

I knocked on the door.

"Enter," I heard Ciel's voice, then Lizzy's.

"Sebastian? Is that you? You should dress in more kawaii dress-" she stopped talking when I opened the door, revealing not to be Sebas-chan. "Grell? Oh, you are that butler one year ago! You were with Madam Red!" she squaked and literally jumped on me, pulling me into a hug.

I laughed and ruffled her hair, taking her off me when I saw Ciel's uncomfortatable glare towards me.

"Lady Elizabeth, please let me serve the lord's tea," I said to her, but she didn't seem to hear me at all.

"Grell-chan, what are those clothes? You should get cuter ones!" she looked at my jacket and tried to take it off.

My eyes widened at that and I pushed her gently away. "Please, lady Elizabeth, leave my clothes on me," I murmured and swiftly dodged her next try to grab my red jacket.

I was getting a bit annoyed with her, but if I killed her in the place I knew what Ciel would order Sebastian to do with me, so I silently sighed and took the tea pot off the cart, then took a cup from it. I walked to where Ciel was sitting.

"Today's tea is Earl Grey, highest quality," I sair quietly and served him his tea.

Suddenly I felt a pull from my back. I was fast enough to place the tea pot on the table before I fell on the floor, right into Lizzy's tight hug.

"Take this jacket off! It isn't cute!" she squeaked and grabbing the red jacket, previously belonging to Madam Red, she almost got it off me. "You can have a way cuter pink jacket instead of this old junk!"

At the word "junk" both I and Ciel growled at the same time. I did it because I didn't like my stuff being called junk, and Ciel... I don't really know.

"Elizabeth, leave him alone," he ordered and shot her with a warning glare.

I made a face when he called me "him" and stood up, then faced the earl in the face and muttered under my breath.

"I am a 'she.' I am a maiden you know," and I thought for my self the rest of the sentence - a maiden worth of Sebas-chan!

"I don't care if you are a girl or a boy. Go do your duties," the earl ordered and shot me too with a warning glance.

I felt uneasy and uncomfortable unter that glare, so I span around and left the room with a fast pace, almost - almost! - shutting the door behind me.

I was in that mood for the rest of the day, not because of Ciel's words, but because Elizabeth managed to get me and dress me into a pink dress with flowers and other... pink stuff on it. If I was to be dressed, I wanted a red dress at least!

Bedides that, the day was almost perfect. At dinner Ciel and his fiancee had a dinner, where all the servants were gathered and everything.

After all I had managed to pursuate Elizabeth that the pink wasn't my color and she agreed to change my dress to a red one (that matched my hair color perfectly!) If it wasn't for the dress I bet I would have still been a grumpy shinigami.

Nothing happened during the dinner while Ciel and Elizabeth chatted (or at least the girl did.) It soon became night and we got a phone call where Elizabeth's mother literally yelled at the young earl to send Lizzy back to London.

"Alright, Aunt, I will send her back..." Ciel said quietly and ended the call. He sighed and went to help the tired and a bit sleepy Elizabeth.

"Come, Lizzy. You should go," he said then looked at us both. "Walk her to the carriage."

Me and Sebastian nodded. He walked up to Elizabeth and gently lifted her in his hands. I narrowed my eyes when he did that, kind of grumbling with annoyance that he wasn't lifting me (and placing me in a bed!) Sighing, I managed to keep calm and followed them.

I opened the front door just before Sebby and Elizabeth came near it. The carriage was awaiting the young lady outside.

With a soft sigh, Sebby walked over to the carriage and after opening the door, he gently placed the girl on one of the seats in there.

"Goodbye" I murmured from the door and lifted my right hand to wave her a goodbye.

After closing the door, Sebas-chan knocked on it and the carriage started moving away from the mansion.

I continued waving at it and smiled. I indeed enjoyed being around Lizzy, as she always manager to make me laugh.

Sebastian came near me and smiled his usual way. He looked up at the sky.

"My, my, the full moon today is beautiful, don't you think?" he said.

I looked up.

"Indeed it is, Sebby..." I murmured, then tilted my head and stared at him.

He was still looking at the moon when I heard his next words.

"Hey, Grell..." he muttered in really carefree tone. "I..."

Then he looked at me, his crimson eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

I stood there, frozen. I had no idea what was going on.

Then he moved towards me as if he was going to kiss me.

"That red dress... It really suits you," he whispered in my ear and gently touched my cheek with his right hand.

I blushed deeply at those words, not knowing how else to react.

After the few seconds he stared in my eyes, he walked away slowly and entered the mansion.

I stared after him, blushing deeply.

Why... Why is he being so nice towards me lately?

Why did he say that my dress suited me?

I found no answer of those questions except one thing : he has feelings - or at least something - towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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