Chapter Five

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As a few hours have passed of Team Science were working on their project for Scrooge. But as Lonnie was working she has been heard faint voices in her head and around as she kept hear "48 hours", hearing Fenton and Ariel's Voices, fighting and a a lot of yelling too as she got up looked at her reflection she noticed her crystals glowing a bit then is quickly went away. Lonnie got up headed outside to the beach to get some fresh air. As those same sounds got louder in her head as she was almost knocked to the floor.

"Hey Lonnie, are you okay?" Fenton asked as as he stood behind her as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine just was feeling a bit light headed, that's all," Lonnie said with a forced smile. "Just needed some fresh air," dhe breathed in and turned away to let out the air.

"Is there something borthing you, anything you need to talk about?" Fenton asked as he looked towards the water.

Lonnie wanted to tell him about what she felt the sense she left just now but she didn't want to get him all worried so she decided to change the topic entirely.

"What made you decide to become Gizmoduck and to help others?" Lonnie asked as Fenton was quiet as he thought about the question.

"Well helping others is what everyone should do, I've seen people who only think about themselves and it hurts others, like how Beaks was only using me and the Gizmoduck armor for himself and that's when I really needed to help others and you and Ariel kept motivating me to keep on helping me." Fenton said as he looked at Lonnie. "What made you become Nightingale?"

"I've seen what the world is like, All my life I lived a life of wealth and I've seen what it does to people, like you said people can be selfish and use others for evil, so I made the choice when I was given these powers and I chosen to help no matter the cost. I had to help the ones who couldn't help themselve even if my enemies try to kill me," Lonnie said as stared at the sunset.

"Well I couldn't have asked for a better partner nor a better friend," Fenton smiled as Lonnie smiled too as she hugged to him as he returned the hug.

"Aww that's so sweet," Ariel said as she appeared out of nowhere making Lonnie flinched in fear.

"Ariel, one of these days your going give a heart attack," Lonnie said as she smiled down at Ariel as placed her hand on top of her head.

"Well I didn't give you a heart attack which means you'll be by my side forever," Ariel said as Lonnie and Fenton laughed.

Lonnie, Fenton and Ariel's wristwatch started going off at the same time with a message that said 48 hours. They all looked at each other confused as they ran back to the lab and Gyro head the same message and Scrooge also had that same message.

"48 hours until what?" Fenton asked to no one as Lonnie's started hearing the voices again from early as it becomes too loud for her that she stumbled a bit.

"48 hours until F.O.W.L finally stop Scrooge and his family's adventures, they're planning to steal everything and use them or destroy them and that is included Ariel's seastone and my crystals, they are going to rid the world of magical artifacts amd the greatest treasure ever discovered by clan Mcduck." Lonnie said as everyone looked at her.

"The way you say it, sounds like it's life or death situation," Gyro said as Lonnie glared at him. "Okay you're right it's a life or death situation," he said as Lonnie rolled her eyes.

"Well for now we need to move everything to a place where F.O.W.L will not know where to find them," Scrooge said as Lonnie thought of an idea.

"I might know where but I would need you to trust me that I'll hide them for you, I promise that I will keep them safe and out of the hands of F.O.W.L," Lonnie said as Scrooge smiled and nodded.

"Of course where do you have in mind," Scrooge asked as Lonnie turned her back as she thought long and hard.

"I have a secret vault that no one knows where it's located somewhere around the world and it's where I keep thing that I want to stay hidden from everyone but I do have to go alone," Lonnie said as Scrooge thought about it.

"Well aren't you going to need help to take everything," Scrooge asked as Lonnie shook her head.

"That won't be necessary, just borrow the plane and I can take everything there but please trust me on this," Lonnie said as Scrooge nodded in agreement.

"Alright I'll start getting everything into the plane, I'm going to need help in loading the plane and traveling to places where I've hidden them." Scrooge said as he left and the rest turned to face her.

"Why do you have to go alone, why can't we go with to help," Ariel asked as Lonnie had to explain in a way that she would understand.

"Well it's.. I can't really explain why," Lonnie was at a lost for words she was too worried that if she did being Ariel and Fenton along that sonething could happen to them.

"Well that's the case then, were going to come with, were not going to let you go alone to this mysterious location." Fenton said as Lonnie shook her head and thought she is just overreacting.

"Okay okay fine, but you both really need to keep this a secret... I need you to let me lead and trust me no question asked or arguments if this mission go horribly wrong like always." Lonnie said and Fenton agreed to a certain extent and Ariel nodded.

"Well then since your all going might a give you this new earpieces that will likely not cause radiation to your skull" Gyro said as Lonnie looked at him then put the earpiece inside.

"Alrighty let's get things ready bring what were you need to bring your suits and weapons and hope that this will go smoothly." Lonnie said as she headed to lab back at her company as she grabbed two book from her desk one that is a spell book and one was a book of her inventions then headed back to meet up with everyone.

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