Chapter 2

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We arrived at the school parking lot. So many students line up the to get out the bus. "So, do you want me to escort you to the guidance? We can both get our schedule. " Ethan asked. My heart is beating so fast. I just met him and he already makes me want to kiss him. "Yes please, I dont kniw where to get my schedule anyways." I answered.

Actually I already know my schedule. I just want to spend more time with him.

"Shall we? " he asked. I nod and we started walking to the main hall. We just walk past the cafeteria. "Ethan! " a girl shouted out. She's blond and blue eyes. She has this pink top and pink skirt. She looks like a freaking model. "Hey, Martha. Meet Chris. " He suddenly put his arm over my shoulders and push me a bit forward. "Hi, im Martha." she smilled. "Hi, my names Chris" I answered back. I peeked at Ethan who is looking at Martha. Oh my gosh. Please tell me that he has a Girlfriend. "Mom said that you will pick Bobby later. " Martha turned to Ethan.

Mom? Mom?!

"You two are siblings?" I asked in a surprise tone. "Yeah, unfortunately. " Martha said. Ethan looked amused. "I'll talk to you later Martha. I need to take Chris here to Ms. Donald. " said Ethan. We bid our goodbyes and head towards the admin office.

I was sitting in the waiting area while Ethan talked to Ms Donald. Ethan is quit charming. He is also blond like his sister Martha, he's eyes are green. I like how his dimples show when he specks. He is so..

"Done dreaming ?" Ethan is standing in front of me. "Ms Robinson said that you already got your schedule. Why did you lie?? " he looks at me curiously. "What?! Well actually, yes I already know it. I've got it last week. " " then why didn't you juat tell me. We could just have gotten straight to the cafeteria. "

I dont know wjat to say, I hate confrontations. "I want to spend more tine with you. " i told him. He looked surprised. "Its cause your the only person I know here. Well you and your sister. " i told him. My cheeks gotten redder. He smile is getting bigger. "You could have just told me. Now we dont have anytime left."

The bell rang and we stepped out side the office. " You could aeat with us at lunch. If you want" he smiled. I nod and smiled to.

We've gone seperate sause he has Math and Ive got English. While i was walking to find room 335, i Bumped into someone. He looks like a badboy with his dark hair and black outfit. "watch it will you" he said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bump i.. " I explained but he interrupted me. "Shut up. Dint do it again you hear?? " and walked off.

Well that's rude.

I continued looking for room 335 and finaly I found it. The teacher ia already there and talking in front. She noticed me at the door and gesture me to come in. "Well Miss Christine Port, your late. Take a seat at the back please. " I said I was sorry and headed to my seat. "Psst. Hey Chris" whispered Martha. i havent noticed her when I entered the room. " Hey, cool we have the same class. " i wispered back. "Why are you late? I thought Ethan 's with you. " "well, we kinda seperated when the bell rang. I dont want to cost him his first day late. " " well okay, will you come and have lunch with us? " " yeah of course. " "cool". Our whispering conversation must have been liad cause when I looked at the front all eyes were on us.

"Miss Port and Miss Jones, would you like to share something in class? No, well shut the hell up. Your disturbing mu class. Well now. I would like to tell you that you will be having a short essay about your summer vacation. And because Miss port and Miss Jones are to busy talking earlier. Make it 20 sentences. Begin

" Mrs. Arnold said. The other students groans and looked at our way. I completely turned red as a tomato again. I just started to write the stupid essay.

After our English class, Social studies, and Home Economics, finally its lunch time. We went to the cafeteria and was surprice to see Ethan in the middle of a conversation with someone. He looks somebody I know, which is strange cause I only know two people here.

Me and Martha went close and was shocked by who is Ethan with. "The heck is she doing with you? " he said. He's the guy who I bumped earlier. "Stop harraising my new friend Adam. " Martha said, with a hint of irritation. " You know each other? " Ethan asked. I was just about to answer when he stood in front of me. He is so close that I can feel his breathing. "Yah, I know this nerd. She's the one I told you about. "He said. Im a bit uncomfortable, why does he need to be so close?

I stepped back a bit. And place my hand on my face, im pretty sure im a tomato again.

"She's the girl who throw herself at you? " Ethan asked, completely surprised.

"Wait, what? Who threw herself at who? " Martha joined the conversation. What is he talking about. "I-i didn't ." I shuttered. Dangit. Pull it together missy. "Yeah right. Do you like me or something? " he said.

What a jerk. I was about ti open my mouth and give him a peace of my mind but he cut me off. "Sorry to burst your bubble, your not my type. " he said and patted me in the head and went out the cafeteria.

What the heck? I stood there, completely astound. "Well, look at our little duck. Has a crush on one if the hottest guy in school. " Martha said, clapping. " More like the biggest jerk" I said. How did that even come out in my mouth . Ethan just smilled and gestures me to sit beside him. I obeyed and grabbed my sandwich. We eat and talked about our day.

The bell rang and we went out. " Do you have Physics today? " asked Ethan?. I checked my scedule and sure enough I have Physics. "Yeah. Do you have it to? " i asked. He smiles and nod. We went together, walking side by side then he spoke. " I can't believe you like Adam." he said. "No, I don't. i just bumped into him on my way to English class. " i explained.

"oh, well that's good I guess. " he said and gave me the cutes smile yet. Why is he acting like this?.

Author 's note

Yey, I've been struggling to come up with the next scene. Hahaha, what do you guys think about Adam? And why do you thibk Ethan is acting that way? Don't worry I to dot have a clue of what's going on. BTW. I aimed to high with the 100 reads. So lets just start with 15 now. I do hope you enjoy this chapter.

Lots of love,

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