Where art thou???

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    My head is ringing, I can barely open my eyes and it's bright in here

"Where am I?"

    Seem to be on a table of some sort with lights on me

"Was I abducted by Aliens?"
"How did I get here, there wherever?

Many questions flooded my mind as I tried to gather my thoughts, last thing I remembered was leaving for work and out of nowhere I was blindsided

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Many questions flooded my mind as I tried to gather my thoughts, last thing I remembered was leaving for work and out of nowhere I was blindsided. The next memories I had was awakening here. Where is here is the real question. I tried to get up but I noticed I was strapped down to the table.


"Let me up?"

"Where the fuck am I?" I screamed to no avail.

          Out of nowhere my shackles unlocked. I jumped up and besides the table the room was empty all the walls was mirror and it was one door. Immediately that's where I headed. Of course it was locked
But I'll be damn if I don't get up out of here. I ram my shoulders into the door with hopes of breaking it down. Nothing in the room is useful being that it literally is nothing to pick up the table is bolted to the floor.


    It seemed like hours passed I couldn't really tell my phone, wallet, watch all is gone from my persons, frustration at this point is quite the understatement. Suddenly a voice came from some unknown speaker.


"Who the fuck is you, let me out this room" I said.

"Sydney" the voice repeated

"Reveal yourself and How do you know my name?" 

"Where am I?"

              Silence for a few minutes, all you can hear is a ticking clock funny part is there is no clock to be seen. Just as random as before the voice began speaking 

 "If you want to get out of here I'm going to need you to listen to me and listen to me very carefully." it said

  "Shortly you will be removed from this room what we need you to do is follow all of our instructions precisely this is important not only for your sake but everyone's sake around you."

"Did this motherfucker threaten me" I thought

"We are gonna need you to go and get in line. Once in this line we gonna need you to wait until you get your ticket. On this ticket there will be 5 numbers, each number represents a task. We are gonna need you to complete each task on the list represented by a number exactly as we have instructed and you and everyone you love will be safe and out of harms way."

"Fuck you!" I screamed. I'm not doing shit you say, let me out this fucking place or its gonna be trouble for whoever the fuck you are.

The voice continued like I did not say a thing. 

" You will have a time period in which we will require you to complete each task if within this time period you do not complete the tasks at hand some one you love will disappear from existence your family, your friends, Claudia...

Hearing Claudia's name infuriated me, believe it or not I may not be the perfect man to her and I cheat, still she is the only thing I really have. I  really don't have a family my dad abandoned my family when I was 8 and when I turned 17 my mother kicked me out the house and I haven't spoken to her in years. My other sibling have to sneak and talk to me because of fear of being disowned by our mother as well

The voice was still speaking but I missed a lot of what was said after I heard Claudia's name.

...."upon completion of the task you will be free  to continue your life with no repercussions and we will also compensate you for your time."

Suddenly a door which wasn't there before unlocked and opened

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Suddenly a door which wasn't there before unlocked and opened. I went out the door and what  I saw was crazy hundreds of different people in various lines.....

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