Chapter 1

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Suitcase's POV:

(This takes place after the events of episode 11)

I slowly walked through the grass, the sun slowly sets, the moon starting to peek out. I sigh, I feel so guilty but when I think about it, it felt nice sticking up for myself.... But nickel and balloon both got eliminated, and now baseball hates me, oh god this is all my fault.

I sigh, sitting down in the cool grass, the wind slowly waving by. Nickel hurt ballon, Mickel hurt me, nickel manipulated me.... It hurts me so much, I don't think I will be the same again after what nickel has done. I feel myself start to sob, "I miss ballon so much... I wish we could be together again...." I say to myself, Why did nickel do this WHY?!, I feel myself boil with anger. Tears roll down my face, I face the night sky and scream to myself "THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT, HE USED ME FOR HIS OWN GAIN AND THEN BASEBALL STICKS UP FOR HIM...." I sit back down and think. then the only person who cares about me gets eliminated....Nickel is going to pay for all this. He thinks he's free of karma? Ha. I will give him that and more!~

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