The meeting

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(A/N, ignore the car and the person)

Nat's P.O.V.

Me and Ro walked down the hallway, and all I could think of was Andy. What will happen to him when we leave?

When we were in the main room, I saw the rest of the excluded standing around.

"About time." Liv said. She's a bit of a bitch. She didn't even know who black veil brides were before she came here.

I just glared at her and joined them. Ro did the same.

"Well, first of all, we need a better meeting place." Zee said while she looked around at the security cameras.

"I know somewhere we could meet." Ro said. I know what she's talking about.

She found this secret room before Ashley found her. It's behind the crates she used to hide behind, hidden by a curtain.

"Really? where?" Paige asked. She was on the other wall, so she walked over to stand in front of Ro.

"There." I answered, and pointed to the crates. Everyone turned their heads to it, and dan went to move them out of the way.

"No one asked you." Liv said pronouncing 'you' as if it hurt to say it.

She's not like this to other people. She's extra mean to me because she has a crush on Andy.

"No one asked you to open your mouth either." Will replied. She just rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

I looked his way and smiled at him, as if to say thanks. He smiled back, and we continued looking at the curtain that Dan was now pulling down.

Em's P.O.V.

When I heard Nat and Liv argue, which they do a lot, I have to remind myself why I joined them just to keep from running out the door.

about three years ago,, I was kidnapped by F.E.A.R. They put me in a small dark room alone.

I hardly got any food, and the shadows came to check on me every half hour.

It was only last year that I was able to escape, and it took me another three months to find the base.

The first person I met was will. He was so nice to me, offering to share his room and food with me when every other space was full.

I guess that's why I've liked him ever since, because he's always so generous and caring to people.

And when I saw him stand up for Em, I felt a pang of jealousy, which is weird, considering I never get jealous.

Dan pulled the curtain back, and I stared. The place was a bit run down, but it was huge.

"Well," jade said. "At least it's remote." She stepped inside with all the others.

"Yeah, remotely disgusting." Liv replied in that annoying high pitched voice of hers.

She stayed at the entrance, not budging. Ugh, I hate her so much.

"Jade's right, there are no cameras any where." Scar said, glaring at Liv.

Liv groaned and reluctantly stepped inside. She grimaced with every step she took, ever the bitch.

We all stepped into the middle, with Zee and Dan facing us.

"Okay, so we've located a sheltering unit about a two days journey from here." Dan said.

"It's big enough to fit all of us and our supplies." He finished.

"The only problem is that there are others there, and we don't know if they'll be open to new arrivals or not." Zee said.

"So, we're taking a vote. Go and take a chance with them, or stay here until we can find another place."


Ok guys, so what do you think of Will and Em?
And I'm leaving this in your hands. Comment on whether you think they should stay a little longer or take a chance and leave.

Also, I'm trying to get an update schedule in place. I'm gonna do one every week, so what day you think would be best?

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