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*Amelia's P.O.V*

"She did what!?!" My best friend, Bella, screams through the phone. "She put me up for an arranged marriage. I gonna marry a complete stranger!" I shout I frustration, as I laid on my black couch and turned on Modern family. That show always cheers me up.

"Wait, so you don't know who this guy is?" She asks more calmly. "No, I know of him, but I don't know know him." I say. "Well who is he?""Louis Tomlinson." I say in a evil voice.

"Oh my god Louis Tomlinson. The multi-billionaire Louis Tomlinson! He is so hot. I would fuck even when he is dead that's how sexy he is." She booms. "That disgusting." I whisper laying down and I start to stare at the ceiling.

' I mean, he is kinda hot. His bright blue eyes, gorgeous brown hair that was done perfectly everyday, his sexy rock-hard abs, and his- wait you can't talk about him like that'

Your probably wondering why I was describing him in very descriptive way. Well I work for him as an assistant for Tomlinson Inc. I see him everyday but he doesn't say one word to me, unless he wants me to bring him coffee or something. But it suck not having someone you notice, not notice you.

"AMEILA!" I hear Bella scream, making me come back to reality. "Yeah? Oh sorry. What did you say?" I play it cool. "Well..I asked when was the wedding?"

"Hmm I don't know. I would have to ask my mom" I said with a disgusted face. I didn't hate my mom but I didn't like her. She not even my real mom. She was like an evil step-mother. My real mom died when I was four but my dad, Anthony, married a whore.

I grow up in Montpelier, France with 5 older brothers. Aiden is 31, Kaiden is 29, Luke is 28, Tyler is 26, Elijah is 25, and then the baby... me. Amelia. I'm 23.

I work in London, for a huge company. I live in a two story apartment, with a cat. I am a complete geek , who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, DC and Marvel comics and movies, who has a room with 8 shelves full with over 500 books, loves math and sciences of any type, and I know I'm not like any other girl.

"Alright Meli, I got to go. My boss is yelling at for making a personal call. Love yah." She says hanging up.

As I lock my phone and set it on my coffee table, I hear bells. That meant Kika, my Siamese cat, was waking up from her nap. She was lazy, but she keeps me company.

She jumped in the couch, while letting a little meow out. "What would I do without you?" I said like looking at her as she clean herself.

"I need friends." I mumble to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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