Chapter 9

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"So you are ok with it? You are ok with your dad being in a relationship with another man?" Boun asked while looking at his daughter in surprise. "Sure. I like Prem. He is nice and he helped Aki. Aki likes him, too", Malee said with a smile. Boun was almost about to cry. His eyes became glassy. He was so proud of his little girl. "Daddy, why are you crying?!" Malee asked shocked. "Please, don't cry!" she said and hugged him tightly. "I am not crying," Boun said, while a few tears were running down his cheeks. "You are a bad liar" Prem said and smiled softly while rubbing Boun's shoulder to calm him down. "If you have any questions, you can ask us anything" Boun assured his daughter. Malee thought for a moment. "Prem? Do you and daddy kiss each other?" she asked which caused Boun to blush. "Ehm, yes. Sometimes we kiss each other" Prem answered. He could feel his cheeks getting hot. "On the cheeks, like daddy does to me?" Boun smiled at his daughter. "No honey. Prem and I..we..our kisses are different from ours." "How so?" Malee looked at her father confused. "You see..I kiss you on the cheeks because I am your dad. You are my little baby.." "I am not a baby, daddy" Malee pouted at her dad, and Boun laughed. "You are my little baby. And no matter how old you are, you will always be my little baby. But Prem..he is..someone special to me. Sometimes I kiss him on the cheeks..but sometimes I kiss him on the lips because that's what adults do if they like someone who is not family. Do you understand that?" "I do. Prem? Do you like daddy, too?" Prem could feel a blush building on his cheeks. "I do" he answered while looking at Boun. Both were smiling softly at each other. "Does that mean..Prem is now a part of our family?" Boun's heart skipped a beat. "I..I.." he stuttered. "I would love to be a part of your family, Malee" Prem answered and looked at Boun, both smiling at each other. "I think that's ok" Malee answered. "And if Daddy is ever mean to you, just don't give him any kisses anymore. That annoys him the most" the girl said with a straight face. "Malee!" Boun's face got hot, but Prem just laughed. "Thank you, Malee", he said with a soft smile.

The day went by and soon it was time for Malee to go to bed. She almost begged Prem to bring her to bed.  After Prem had finished bringing Malee to bed, he went to the living room, where Boun was waiting for him, sitting on the couch. "Seems like she already likes you better," Boun said pouting, pretending to be offended. Prem smiled. "Ohhh, poor daddy is jealous. I am sorry Boun, but your daughter has great taste in men" he said jokingly. Boun got up, stood behind Prem, put his arms around his waist, and whispered in his ear: "Seems like she comes after her father." The younger was blushing like crazy. He could feel his cheeks getting hot and turned his face away to hide it. "Stupid" he whispered embarrassedly. Boun only chuckled and put a few little kisses on Prem's neck. "You are cute when you are jealous." "I am not jealous! Who said I am jealous? If someone is jealous it's you" Prem countered. "You are right. I  was jealous that my daughter was able to spend more time with the hot doctor than I was" Boun whispered. His hot breath was tickling Prem's ear and his heartbeat got faster. "What do you think? Should we go to bed?" he asked with a husky voice. "For being a father you are pretty horny, you know that?", Prem managed to say, while Boun's hot mouth was occupied with licking and kissing his neck. "Have you ever taken a real look into the mirror? Prem, you are gorgeous. Hot, sexy..unfortunately not that strong, but.." "What did you just say?" Prem could not believe what he had just heard. "You don't think I am strong enough for you?" he asked, playing offended. Boun smirked at him. " you want to prove me wrong?" he asked. Suddenly Prem lifted him up on his strong arms, which caused Boun to let out a surprised whimper. "Ah! Prem!" Prem started kissing Boun passionately, which caused Boun's eyes to close immediately. The older enjoyed the feeling of Prem's warm tongue rubbing against his and let out a deep moan. When their lips parted, Boun needed a few seconds to comprehend the kiss. Prem was still holding him, so his feet did not touch the ground. "Proof enough?" Prem asked with a smirk. Boun swallowed and nodded, his eyes still closed and his cheeks crimson red and hot. "Good. But don't ever say I am weak or I have to bring out the big guns. Now it's time for your punishment." Boun slowly and carefully opened his eyes. "Punishment?" he asked dazzled, still trying to process the kiss they just shared. "Don't think I would let you get away without any punishment. I don't want you to forget, who fucked you so well last time. But this time, you won't be able to walk straight when I am done with you. You are MINE and mine only, Boun." Prem's voice was deep and rough. Boun swallowed nervously. He would never admit it to Prem, but he was more than a little turned on right now and he could feel it in his pants. "Prem..I.." Boun could not finish his sentence, because Prem had already put his lips on his again. "But don't be too loud. I don't want Malee to hear us again" Prem said with a certain voice. Boun nodded and the second their lips met, Boun's mind got blank and all he could think about was Prem. He was so out of it, and distracted from Prem's hot kisses, that he did not realize that Prem carried him into the bedroom. Boun could not remember how they got there. He could not remember when his back hit the mattress. He could not remember how they both managed to stop kissing to get naked. The next thing he knew was that both were naked lying in his bed.

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