chapter 1(Arrival)

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Plane landed in GCA airport and a young man with normal clothes and a single old bags comes out from the airport.

Peoples are watching, someone whispered look someone like him can travel in the plane, it's look like he just got lucky or may be he won some luck draw.
Ya ya that's what happened.
Hah it's disgusting it's lowered our standard.

Gary Qin ignored everyone and walk towards taxi stand, he hired a taxi "Red Sun Academy please"

Taxi driver "it will take 200" and then he drove towards the Academy.

It's already 6:00 pm when he arrived at the academy, there stand 2 guys both looked handsome and attractive as they stand like they are waiting for some one.
First one is young master of yu family (a 2 class family of tempest city) and 2nd is young master of dugu family (2 class family from yan city).

Gary approached them "excuse me brothers where is male dorms"
Both looked towards him a young and handsome man standing and asking them
They look each other and asked "are you Gary"
Gary chuckled and then said "yes"

Kevin yu " hey man we were waiting you from since afternoon, you are late bro"

Dani dugu "don't get confused man we are room mates here as we got the news that we are getting a new room mate so we were just excited so we were waiting for you"

For a moment Gary thought his identity was leaked.
Then 3 of them introduced eachother and then they entered dorm.

Next day early morning everyone get up and getting ready for their college.
Gary was very excited for this as he always dreamt about going college with friends and live a life of normal boy not a young master of any family.

Three of them went towards there college which was just right of their dorm.
As they cross the gate of dorm a shining red Audi stops front of them and then a young and handsome blond man and a skinny but beautiful young girl got out of the car.

As three of them saw this except Gary both kevin and Dani got angry, Gary just stood side and watching all these as he is new so he don't want to meddle in between them.

Young blond man Michael park
Touches Mary nu from the back and then he asked kevin "hey bro you didn't tell us she is so hot from her back you know what I mean"
Mary Shy away and said" dear micky don't embarrass him he didn't get a chance to touch how can he know about my beauty.

Then she saw Gary standing in side and asked "oh is he your new room mate, he is just like you"
"Three monkeys of Gandhi"

Then she came closer to Gary " boy change you room and join master jhons faction or you'll be humiliated like these two"

Gary understand that there is something wrong here and as well as there is groupisome here but he is not someone who get eaisly provoked.

He just said "I'll see"
Then three of them ignore both and went towards colllege.

Micky "I think I have to report about that guy to master jhon"
Mary "don't worry I have a plan"

As Gary and others enters the class he suddenly bump into one of the 5, beauty of the college and cousin of Mary nu.
Lucy nu, one of the top 5 beauty of the college and the one master jhon wants to be his girlfriend.

Gary "sorry sorry I didn't see"
Lucy saw a young and handsome man standing and apologizing in front of her so she thought for something and said" oh no its my fault please don't apologise"

Gary and said sorry again and went to his seat, for a moment he thought about a beauty front of him and then disspel his thoughts.

As class ends he saw a familiar figure came to his seat and that's Lucy nu, as she saw three of them together she came to him and said to him in a sweet tone " I'm sorry for earlier I didn't got a chance to apologise so I want to make up to you, will you come to red rose bar at 8:30 today so we can know each other better and you can bring your friends also".

Gary didn't get a chance to reply as he saw lucy disappeared from front of him.
As he came to his senses he saw whole class is staring him.

At night before 8:30 Gary, kevin, Dani, three of them stand in front of red rose bar.
Kevin "brother don't get too involved in case of lucy, that bastard John want her to be his girlfriend and if anyone approached her, he crippled them.
Dani "I don't know why she invited you just because of this small incident but you have to be careful".
Gary noded and enters the bar.

But suddenly the bouncers stopped them "stop master John is coming only after them you can enter"
Gary feels irritating and when he about to say something the blue Audi A6 came.

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