chapter 3(Angel nu)

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Angel nu the famous figure of tempest city, not only well known beauty but also a well known martial artist from tempest city.
She stands list 3 in the list of top 10 martial artist in tempest city but also 19 in whole south part of the country.
So she hold a great value in her family, no one dared to offend her as everyone present in the  red rose baar saw this and a fear in there heart rises.

Angel nu "how dare you to stir trouble here this is not your park family backyard where you can do whatever you want"
Lucy "sister let them go and don't involve whole park family because of this scum"
As john heard this he came towards them and said "I apologise for this lady nu this was all misunderstanding he thought they were here for trouble as you know that kevin guys ex is now my cousin's girlfriend so he thought drive them away were will be best option".
After hearing john explanation Angel let him go but she was not satisfied so she kicked luke last time he flewed out of the room, and everyone was stunned to see a powerful kick of a young lady.

Lucy "Gary I apologise for all these we came late so you have to see all these".
Gary already knew that they were in room from the starting but he ignore all these and accept apology.
Gary "don't mind let's go in".

As they were seated john was already angered but he hides and just said to his one of the subordinate "go check who the fuck he is, I want every single information about him".

Another side lucy introduce herself then her sister and same goes for Gary and co.
Dani who was also one of the admirer of the Angel said "miss Angel that kick was awesome how did you do that"
Gary "yay I also stunned to see a young beautiful lady's kick can make a fly to a well build man".

Lucy "Gary you don't know but my sister is martial art guru of 3rd satge and she is top 3 in the list of top ten martial artist in this whole tempest city".

As Gary here this he didn't make surprised face just said with smile face "great".
Everyone present their thought he is a arrogant man, even Angel also thought for a second but then she thought may be he don't know anything thing about martial art so that's why he gave this type of reaction.

But the real reason for Gary to not make a serious face because he practiced martial art since childhood and when he was 16 he was already martial art grand master, now he is martial art King stage 3 in the age of 18.

He is famous as young master Qin in the world but in martial art world he is famous as king Qin.

Here martial art consider of 7 realm and each have 3 stages,
Body foundation
Martial art student
Martial art guru
Martial art master
Martial art grandmaster
Martial art King
Martial art emperor

Lucy" and you know she's gonna have breakthrough and then she'll be no. 1 in whole tempest city".
As of curiosity Gary asked "oh then wo are the 1st and 2nd now and what's there realm".

Angel replied "the 2nd one is young master of ding family through he's from yan city but currently he's here in our college in this city so he's the 2nd one of the top young martial artist in tempest city".

"As for the 1st one, she is princes of the royal family of our south country, as you know only Qin family is compareble toh them otherwise no one family can compared to the royal sun family of South Country.

As Gary heard Qin family he asked "Qin family is it the Qin family is very famous in the world".

Lucy "no no it's just a branch family of Qin family the main family in capital city is very powerful and you can't compare any one with them"
"If anyone will hear this they will laugh at us"

Angel nu "I heard the young master of Qin family is very talented and powerful and also he's famous as king Qin in martial art world"
"Even my grandfather the great general of South is nothing in front of him"

Lucy chuckled and then said "my sweet sister is single only because of him, she wants to marry someone powerful as young master Qin, but no body knows how he look, what's his real name, only some very famous world figure got a chance to see him"

"Sister do you really think you'll ever get a chance to meet someone like him, I think he already has numerous beauties in his side, you can't get a chance to be his concubine".
Angel didn't get angry but she lost in some thoughts and then she said "no matter what I'll make him fall for me".
As everyone heard this but all remain silent.

Suddenly john broke the silence "I heard next year the top 5 martial artist of tempest city will get a chance to participate in martial art competition by martial art hall of capital, and I think young master Qin will also came there so may be that will be your chance to show in front of him".
As Gary heard him talking about him he just gave a smile to everyone and then said "good luck" to Angel.

After everyone was gone except John and his men, luke came in with information about Gary.
Luke "master john that brat was just a orphen from north and came here by scholarship other than that there is no Info. About him"

John "Just this much and there is no other info. About him" as john thought that something is wrong.
Luke interrupt him and said "master only thing matters that he has no background and he is orphen so why we waste a time and give him a good lesson".
After hearing this john dispelled his thoughts".
Then he ordered "give him a good beating and tell him to stay away from nu family ladies even in your dream or I'll break all his four limbs and throw him in swear".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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