chapter 2(Johnson park)

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As a blue Audi A6 stops front of bar a blond man came out from it and then another Audi stops beside him and another blond man came out.
Gary knew who he was, he was the man who stops them in morning in front of drom gate Michael park.

Keven" Gary that's the bastard I'm talking about John"
Gary feels irritating because he don't like all type of these showoff.
But he don't want to steer some trouble because of samll things so get a side form the front door as John enter in the baar he saw for a few time to Gary and went inside and after that his followers to.

Gary "is he someone powerful and what's the story between you and him"

Kevin lowered his head and said he is from the first class family of tempest city the park family.
Also he is some 2 young master of the family and it's very powerful.
As Dani saw that kevin is not in a mood of talking so he said "that bitch Mary came from nu family not a business family but a millitary family her grand father is great general of South County (including this city) and her brother is also in army also her cousin Lucy, her father is also general and her big brother is son in law of political leader of the south city.

Both Kevin and Mary were in a relationship for 6 months but after that bastard john use his power and money to broke them up and now she's with his cousin Michael.

Gary "but why did she broke up did her family didn't have powerful backup"

Dani "that's not the thing bro she was just using him and after Michael confess to her she brokeup suddenly and dumped him".

"And what we know from all this he wants to become closer to nu family, so their family can become more powerful".

Gary "oh sorry for you brother but don't worry she is not the only women in the world, just let your feelings go"

Dani" brother it's not like we wants to meet them and talk them, they are the one creating problem for us".
Kevin "thanks to Dani, they are not targeting me and my family clearly in front of everyone, because Dani family is 2nd class family of yan city but it is equal to first class family of tempest city."
Dani "But the thing is my family has a strict rule not to use family power for 2 years, so I have to survive for one more year because of this, after that I'll show the real power to them.

Gary smiles and laugh after hearing this but when he saw both of his friends face he explain "I just remembered something, so sorry"

And then three of them entered the baar, when they entered they went to the private room booked by Lucy nu.
As they entered john saw three of them coming together in the room, he ordered his men to drive them out from here, luke the follower of John park came to three of them
"You are not welcome here, get lost"

Kevin "who the hell do you think you are we're invited here by Lucy nu"
Luke" hahaha did you guys hear he said they were invited by miss lucy
You 3 country bumpkin are not qualified to look towards miss lucy and you talked about invitation".

As he said this he pushed them, but as he came towards Gary Gary slapped him.
Everyone present here were shoked a country bumpkin slapped man of master John.
Luke came to his senses and then said "boy you are dead now how dare you raise your hand".
One by one other people also said he is dead now or he'll be crippled by master John.

As kevin and Dani also were shocked to see this.
Dani "Gary let's go there is nothing here we'll be in trouble if we stay anymore".
But luke don't want them to let go eaisly as he said" boy now here no body can save you even not king Yama"
Suddenly a slap came towards luke and he fell down to his knees
It's Angel nu sister of lucy nu, everyone was stunned to see this.

Luke who always wants to Angel to be his women according to plan of John and park family but Angel is different from them because she is well qualified in martial arts and also she goes to military college and her status is little different and high in eyes of her family and she is also very famous figure of the tempest city.

'a cold and beautiful but powerfull women'

Even john afraid of her personality and power so he befriended with her younger sister lucy.
Lucy and Angel were already there but they were watching from side,
Angel hates weak man so she just stood aside and saw if they were eaisly afraid of luke she'll not meddle in there business as she know her sister invited them.

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