I Wanted More Time

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It was the next day and the same thing just happened. They were both too early for school just like yesterday. You will see the excitement in Robby every time he's texting Kitten asking for her to see him. They had lunch together, and talk about their present stuff.

Do you still have anything to do that's why you're early? Asks Robby

I am normally early for school, to do some activity and drop by at the rider's office. And you?

Usually, I don't spend too much time at school but I feel like I wanted to know you more.

Haha! Are you kidding? Well, it's just time, we can manage it as always. We can choose how on how we use it. Not a big deal.

I feel like you're enjoying my company too. Do you like it's easy to be with me? Feeling comfortable?

Kitten just smirks at him.

Can I see that again? Said, Robby


That kind of your facial reaction... Smiling broadly

Haha! Can you just sit beside me instead? Kitten pleasingly asks

I want us to see each other's faces.

Why is that then?

So I can stare at your face.

Kitten closes her eyes and says, okay! now I'm feeling conscious.

This time they talked about their life as boyfriend and girlfriend to their partners. Not really that much of it, for they talked more about the things and activities that their organization has done in the past. When it started, how it ever started, and who are the founders. While having a good chat, Robby suddenly became serious.

"I need to tell you something," Said Robby

Yeah! So what was it? Oh, by the way, it's almost our time.. we need to attend our class now.

Alright, I'll just tell you one day.

No, you can tell it to me now. What was that?

One day you will know. For now, you need to go to your classroom.

Okay, text it to me then.

Kitten is trying to focus on her class but the word left by Robby keeps running through her head. She's trying to ignore it but it makes her wonder what he needs to say.

Maybe he wants to say that he will no longer see me. Because he has a girlfriend and we are spending too much time with each other. No no, maybe he needs to ask for another favor. Or... what? I totally can't think of any... Breathes in breathes out. Blows her mouth and then plays her pen on her fingers.

Right after class, Kitten took her mobile phone and opens the text message trend to Robby. Thinking, "hmm... Should I send him a message?" "Should I ask him?" shakes her head "Okay, ask him to avoid this kind of thinking"

Kitten: hi, just finish the class. So, what was it that you want to tell me?

Kitten: will you ask for another favor?

Kitten: another assignment?

Kitten: any personal problems you want to share?

Robby: haha! No, not a favor

Robby: not another assignment

Robby: not even a problem

Kitten: so what was it then?

Time in Time. Hopes in Hope. Realizations in Realization.Where stories live. Discover now