26: Valentines

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          "As you all know, there has been a mass breakout from azkaban

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          "As you all know, there has been a mass breakout from azkaban." Dumbledore stated gravely, as he stood in front of all of them.

Sirius brought up a glass to his lips, briefly taking a sip. "Legend says I'm responsible for the incident." he chuckled, before grimacing and taking another sip.

Dumbledore hummed in response to Sirius's joke and continued his announcement. "You can thank the ministry for that, Mr. Black." he said, pausing for a moment. "According to the ministry, ten known Death Eaters are now at large, but I can assure all of you that Sirius Black is not responsible for the attack."

A few members chuckled at this, but some seemed too preoccupied with the news.

"Now I'm quite sure that you're curious to know why the dementors didn't do anything," Dumbledore said once the room got quiet. "It is because Lord Voldemort managed to form allies with them."

The room sat silently in disbelief, it was clear that they were all in deep shit.

Mad-eye then cleared his throat. He stood up from his seat, rather disruptively, his cane hitting the table and a few seats. "Yes, and to add to that, the ten Death Eaters include; Antonin Dolohov, Augustus Rookwood," he stated, "and Bellatrix Lestrange." A lot of people cast glances at Sirius and Guinevere at the mention of their cousin.

"Thank you Alastor," said Dumbledore, acknowledging the one eyed man. "As of now they are running free, responsible for some of the attacks recently. They are no doubt looking forward to serving their master again."

"We'll be sending a few teams to go after them, who will hopefully be able to catch them." Mad-eye chimed in, earning a nod from Dumbledore.

"Isn't the ministry doing anything?" Molly asked, looking apprehensive. "Surely they're aware by now that this has something to do with you-know-who! Dumbledore already warned them, didn't he?"

"Not with Fudge in charge," Kingsley answered. "He is rather convinced that an attack this huge, happened with outside help."

Dumbledore nodded. "I'm afraid Cornelius is convinced I'm a threat to his position, therefore he is unwilling to listen." he said, straightening his posture as if he was preparing to end the discussion. The man seemed to be in a hurry to get this over with. "Which is why we must act quickly. No one is to approach these people alone."

Remus glanced over at Sirius's direction, noticing a defeated look on his face. The man had no doubts that his friend would go after Bellatrix the first chance he got.

"Understood?" Dumbledore asked, eyes looking at every single person in the room. There was a sound of murmured agreements, making the wizard nod satisfied.

"Very well, the meeting has now come to an end, I thank you all for your time."

And with that, Guinevere and the rest of the order stood up and left. Most of them left the house quickly, no doubt having plans to fulfill, leaving the house considerably quieter than it was before.

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