28: Dinner at 6

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It was quite a peculiar interaction, but he found himself smiling anyway.

It was quite a peculiar interaction, but he found himself smiling anyway

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It has been a week since Guinevere last saw Charlie. After the kiss they had shared on Valentines day, it seems their schedules have been less than accommodating. Well in this case, only Charlie's. Guinevere has not stepped a foot outside Grimmauld Place during said week and had taken the responsibility of doing measly household chores to keep her occupied.

After her shift with Remus, she reckoned she'd be getting more assignments after, seeing as both Remus and her came back safe and in one piece. Unless you'd take into consideration that one of them had been crucio-d, then she supposed the situation was fair enough.

Speaking of which, following the previous rendezvous they had for their mission, Guinevere had half expected them to be on good terms. Well, they already were, but somehow something had changed between the two of them once more; and she, for the life of her, cannot figure out what she had done wrong to be back in square one.

It wasn't as if she had wanted a friend in Remus, but being stuck in this horrid place, she'd prefer that she was on good terms with the other occupant of the house, apart from her awfully annoying cousin.

Guinevere rolled her eyes to herself, sighing inwardly as she propped herself up on the bed, leaning against the wooden bed frame. Her eyes scanned the room, not one object out of place. For a split second, she had contemplated on messing the room up so that she could clean it all over again for the sake of doing something, but dismissed the thought. She turns to her right, a quill and parchment lying perched on the desk. For a moment, she debates whether or not she'd write Charlie a letter. They hadn't seen nor talked to each other since the night of their kiss and she'd hate for herself to come off as desperate. Usually when a guy decides to kiss a girl, they don't proceed to ignore them for a week.


She didn't know how or when she managed to drift to sleep but was woken up by a loud knock on the door. Guinevere would've guessed the person knocking had grown tired by now, as the knock that had woken her up would pass as aggressive.

"What?" She called out, wincing when she sounded a bit too rude for her liking.

The door slowly opened, revealing a particular sandy-haired man, one hand on the doorknob while the other was kept in his pockets. He seemed guilty for waking her up from her slumber as he brought up a hand behind his neck and looked at him.

"Should you find yourself out of your current predicament—" Remus started, his voice trailing off as he looked at her. "Head downstairs please." He nodded at Guinevere, not adding anything after that as he shut the door behind him.

Her brows furrowed, "Predicament," she huffed and then asked herself, "Since when was taking a nap looked down on."

Guinevere got up from the bed, mindlessly reaching for her wand to fix up the bed, not wanting to leave a mess behind. She walked up to her vanity mirror, her mouth forming a shape of an "o" as soon as she saw herself in the mirror. She closed her eyes and shook her head, whispering to herself, "Merlin, help me."

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