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Hoshi's POV:
Hoshi was tired after he came back from his client meeting. Interior designing was difficult he thought as he picked up his beloved milkshake from the cafe and went outside to look for inspiration. He walked over to his favourite bench in the park opposite to the cafe and started sketching. The sound of the pencil stroking against the paper always gave him peace. As he sketched his mind wandered to the beautiful scene in front of him. He didn't even realise when he fell asleep as another beautiful scene popped up in his mind; when he saw Mingyu in the setting sunlight inside the cafe. He kept trying to get a better look when he heard a faint sound "beautiful isn't it?" Suddenly the world seemed more real like the picture quality went from 260p to 1080p.  Hoshi didn't speak for a solid minute while he sat there staring and gasping at Mingyu's features. "Yes you're beautiful" he muttered in his hyper realistic dream smiling widely.
When his dream boy Mingyu gave him a wide eyed expression, something tugged at his consciousness, maybe this dream was a little too real he thought. Without thinking any further he leaned forward and pulled Mingyu's cheeks with both his hands.
The unexpected turn of events was extremely shocking to both of them. As Mingyu let out an ouch, wide eyed, the shorter pulled his hands away and came back to his senses.
It's not a fucking dream an alarm rung in Hoshi's mind. What have you done you idiot. He wanted to disappear, only if he had the invisibility cloak he thought.
Then a light bulb went !!ahaa!! In his mind. He pointed towards Mingyu's back and screamed "OMG look at that!!", a surprised Mingyu turned backwards without a second thought. Clearly not out of his previous shock to see Hoshi's lousy acting.
As soon as Mingyu turned away, Hoshi got up and ran away in top speed. He didn't even look back once as he sped into the cafe through the back door.

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