Chapter 7: That one big mistake...

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Lexi's POV

Harry and I have been so happy in the past few months. We made our relationship be public, well there's few who hated us but many who love us. Today, I have my day-off and I'll be staying at home taking a rest while Harry and the boys go to a club for a little get together. 

"Hes, sistah." Mike greeted me as he step inside my room.

"Hey, brotha.."

"Guess you're pretty tired." He said, while smiling.

"Guess you're pretty happy." I replied.

"Well, I asked Jade out and she said yes."

"Really? Congratulations brotha."

"Thank you! Well, what are you doing today?" He asked.

"probably, sleeping."

"Okay. And I need to go pick Jade now. Bye!" He shouted already outside my door.

"Bye. Goodluck, little brother!" I shouted and got ready to sleep. I woke up the next day and excited to call Harry. But, It's really early in the morning. So, I decided that I should watch news first. I turned th t.v on and changed it to the News channel. They were airing a news about One Direction last night. And as it started, I froze. Because there I saw a picture of Harry kissing another girl. 

I wanted to cry but I said, maybe it was just photoshopped. Maybe it was a picture a long long ago. So, I decided to go to Harry's house. I fix myself up getting ready to leave and I saw my diary and decided to write in it first....

"Dear Diary,

       I saw a news about Harry cheating on me this morning. it really hurted me, I can't believe it. But, maybe it's just photoshopped or a picture of Harry with another girl before we became a couple. So, i decided to go to Harry's flat now and ask him. I hope it's not true, I hope it's just Showbiz shits. But, if it's true, I don't think I can handle it. I don't think I can live without Harry. Maybe, I'll just go back to australia and continue my life there. A life that's far from stardom, fans and especially Harry. I don't know why I'm saying this, I don't even know if the news is true. But, if it's really true. I hope Harry continues his life even without me by his side. 

                                                                                                             -Lexi :((( xx"

As I finished writing, I left our house and drove to Harry's flat. There's not lot of cars because it's just morning. So, I decided to drive fast. As I was driving, I heard my phone rang. I picked it up and.......

Harry's POV

I just woke up with a serious headache. I walk downstairs to see all the boys waiting for me with a sad looks on their faces.

"Hey, boys..." I greeted them, they looked at me.

"Harry, we have 2 news for you. And it's super bad." Liam started to talk.

"First, a news was aired earlier with a picture of you kissing another girl saying that you cheated on Lexi." Zayn said.

"What? I didn't do anything like that last night. The whole night I was with Niall."

"I know, Harry. We trust you, and we know the girl that you are kissing in the picture." Niall told me.

"Well, thank you!" I said. "But, what's the other news?" I asked and all of the boys looked at Liam.

"Lexi, she's in the hospital." He said, I froze not knowing what to say.

"Wha-...What...happened?" I asked as tears flows through my face.

"Her car has been hit by a truck. She's in a critical situation now." Liam told me.

"What the f**k. Where the hell will she go in this freaking early in the morning?!" I shouted.

"Here. Mike said she wanted to know if the news is true or not." Louis said.

"No...It's all my fault..." I blamed myself.

"No, Harry. It's not your fault. It's the paparazzi's fault, not your's." Louis told me and hugged me.

"I need to go to the hospital now." I said and they nodded. 


The hospital is just 2 hours drive away from my flat so I took my car. As I drive into the highway, my phone rang. I picked it up and looked at the Caller I.D to see Mike is calling me.

"Hello." I mumbled.

"hey Harry. I heard you're going here at the hospital." He said.

"yeah.. Is she okay?" I asked him. He sighed.

"No. She's not okay. She's gone, Harry. Lexi's gone." He cried, and tears started to flow through my cheeks again. I stopped driving and parked at the side of the road and cried.

I can't believe that she's gone. It can't be, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have went to that club last night! I should have went to her flat and spend the day with her. It's all my fault that she died....


It has been 1 week already, and the funeral is now. I can't still believe that my only love is gone. The past few days, I'm not in myself. I'm not the Harry Styles that you know. I'm not that cheeky anymore. It feels like my colorful world became dull and black.

Now, I am saying a speech for Lexi...

"Lexi Tyler..." I started as I cry again. "That star that came from Australia, that star that fancy One Direction..." I smiled in the memory. "That star that captured my heart and made me feel like a normal person again. That Lexi Tyler who fan-girled whenever I sing to her, whenever I do crazy stuff and whenever I hug her. I know it only has been few months since we became a couple, but we have a lot of memories that we shared together. She died while driving to my flat to ask me if the news about me cheating on her was true. I didn't know that...." My voice cracked. "And I really regret going to that club that night, it's my one big mistake that I will carry for my life...." I cried again, and the boys and Mike came to me and hugged me. 

"Here, let's go to Lexi's room. I wanna show you something." Mike told us.


We are all in Lexi's room and it's pretty big.

"Let's go there." Mike said while pointing to a door. We walked and Mike opened the door. And to our surprise, it was a room with just all of One Direction. All of us cried again, we didn't know that my girlfriend is one dedicated Directioner.

"Harry, I want you to have this." Mike told me as he gave me a diary. I opened it to see it was Lexi's diary. I turn the pages one by one as I reached her last entry...

"Dear Diary,

       I saw a news about Harry cheating on me this morning. it really hurted me, I can't believe it. But, maybe it's just photoshopped or a picture of Harry with another girl before we became a couple. So, i decided to go to Harry's flat now and ask him. I hope it's not true, I hope it's just Showbiz shits. But, if it's true, I don't think I can handle it. I don't think I can live without Harry. Maybe, I'll just go back to australia and continue my life there. A life that's far from stardom, fans and especially Harry. I don't know why I'm saying this, I don't even know if the news is true. But, if it's really true. I hope Harry continues his life even without me by his side. 

                                                                                                             -Lexi :((( xx"

I started to cry again. But, this time it's a cry that make me feel weak. But a cry that will make me stronger. I will continue my life without her by my side but with her in my mind and in my heart. Her death is the reason that will make me have this life of mine......


Well, that's all for this story guys! I'm sorry it's such a short story, but I hope you enjoyed it! THANK YOU FOR THE FEW READERS!!!! HAHA. LOVE YOU ALL <33 :">

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