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You stare at the ceiling for a good ten minutes, simply contemplating. You could go ahead and get up. Or your could wallow in your own self pity and not worry about your first day of school that begins in less than two hours. Or, you roll over. Catching sight of the pastel yellow PSP covered with volleyball and kitten (that look a hell of a lot like your previous team) stickers on the back. I could play that.

You stand up and go to the desk in your new room, grabbing the PSP game that Kenma had given you the second to last time you'd seen him.

You pop it into your psp and once again loose yourself in the game.

Your door sliding open and the light clicking on, spurs you away from the game. You managing to pause it before squinting up at your father who stands at the door.

"Come on kiddo, it's time."

"You make it sound like something dramatic."

"It's your first day as a second year at a new school. That only happens once!"

You sigh as you sit up in the bed, "Yeah. I suppose so." You glance at your father him still with a small smile on his face "You think it'll be fine?"

He gives you a small smile, something reassuring "Of course. No one would send you somewhere you wouldn't be safe. Besides, Sae will be there!"

You roll your eyes, of course your father would ignore the fact that Sae would be in the third year section of the school and would be of pretty much no help in the off chance something did happen.

"Alright dad i get it. I'll be fine," You pick up the psp again, a signal you were done with the conversation and unpaused the game.

"Alright I get it," your dad chuckles a little bit before the air becomes tense, you pause the game and look up at him again to see him already looking at you, obvious concern on his face "Just please, take care okay?"

You give your dad a reassuring smile "I promise."

His eyes soften, the usual easy going smile back on his face, "Alright good. Now hurry and get up or else you and Sae will be late."

You sigh "Okay."


Your eyes narrow in at the yellow life bar. You knew that you'd be relying on the PSP as a crutch for the time being, at least until you made some new friends and got less awkward, but you didn't think you'd be doing so so early. Really it's all Sae's fault. Less than two seconds and he already has some people vying after him. You're not even at school yet.

A hand lands on your head "And this is y/n. He's my younger brother but he's a little game obsessed. You'll have to pardon him." You roll your eyes ignoring Sae once more, opting to focus on trying to beat the same boss from when you were last at Kenma's house. "Yeah, he's a second year."

"Oh really! Me too. I'm Yukaro Suzuki!" One of the girls takes this as her opportunity to start talking to you. Her attempting to start up an actual conversation. "My secondary gender is an Alpha and I've lived in the Hyōgo area since I was born."

You nod, "Cool." And back to mashing buttons you go.

"Well, uh, hopefully we'll be in the same class?" The girl says hoping that would elicit a response from you.

A hum leaves you at that "Yeah, maybe."

Sae rolls his eyes from a few meters away, of course you wouldn't notice the girl was actually trying to talk to you. "Oi, y/n save your game."

You roll your eyes but do as Sae says anyway. "Okay I did it. What now?"

Sae then snatches the PSP from your hands "You'll get this back at the end of the day." You open your mouth to object but Sae wags his finger "Nope. You're making friends today. Start by actually talking fo Yukaro, 'kay?"

You look up at Sae in disbelief "But i-"

"No if and or buts about it, I'm keeping this." With that Sae unceremoniously shoves your PSP into his backpack. Holding it hostage for the time being. "Now talk to her."


"I don't bite, I promise." You look out of the side of your eye to see Yukaro giving you a small smile. Honestly you didn't even know when she got next to you. The space formerly being occupied by air.

"Right," You wish you had your PSP right now. You glare bitterly at Sae's back. You not being too happy with him snatching your PSP.

"Hey, don't worry! If yer nervous about it being yer first day at all, don't. I'll show ya around an' everything. It'll be great!"

"Yeah, y/n would love that." Sae agrees for you.

"All right! Let's start!"

Your eyes widen as the girl abruptly grabs your wrist and takes off, you having no choice but to run after her, albeit her still dragging you onwards. Your cheeks redden, god this is mortifying. "Wait- why are you running?" Your voice raises in pitch trying frantically for her to let go of you "Why are you running!"

"Oh come on l/n! It's so we can get there faster, I can't wait to show ya around!"

"Please do."

Yukaro laughs "Yer funny."

"I wasn't joking!"


Yukaro Suzuki:

2nd year alpha captain of the volley ball team (not yet named)

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2nd year alpha
captain of the volley ball team (not yet named).
Very good at makeup and draws little designs on one of her cheeks each day.

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