With the mutants

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Meanwhile at the mutant's home*

Fishface smiles as he cuddles his wife

Sarah smiles and snuggles him*

Fishface- I love you~

Sarah: I love you too.

Sally and Vinnie are on Fishface's head*

Devin came to them.

Fishface-( Smiles ) Hi little guys.

Devin: Hi mom, hi dad.

Fishface- That's nice.

Dash, Slash and Scarlet and Sawyer get into Hyeasel's protein bars

Hyeasel: Honey, have you seen the kids?

Chia- No. I thought they were with you

Sheila: Maybe they're in the kitchen.

They look and see their babies eating the protien bars

Hyeasel: Kids....

The babies gasped and looked

Hyeasel: Trying to be strong like me?

The babies barked squeaked and mewed before Dash tries to crawl away very fast

Hyeasel dashed and picks them up*

Dash screams and lools

Hyeasel: Com'on give your dad a hug.

Dash mews and hugs him. Fanny rubs her 7th month belly as she is pregnant with Brute's kid

Lizard Breath holds Rudy: I can't believe that Brute jerk got you pregnant honey.

Fanny- I know. Im sorry honey.

Lizard Breath hugs her: We'll get through this honey.

Fanny-( Smiles ) I knoe baby. Remember how we first met ?


Lizard Breath and Fanny leave the ER

Lizard Breath: Hey babe.

Fanny- Yes ?

Lizard Breath: How are you doing in the hospital?

Fanny- Alright I guess

Lizard Breath looks down: I see.

Fanny- Whats wrong?

Lizard Breath: I was wondering if you can go out with me?

Fanny-( Blushes ) Oh my. You seem like a nice person. Of course

Lizard Breath smiles*

End of flashback*

Fanny- You may not be some muscular stud , but you are My handsome gentlemanly man~

Lizard Breath: Awww shucks.

Fanny kisses his lips making him kiss back.

In Serena's home...

Elvis: Just five more hours.

Elvis is cuddling Serena in her bed.

Serena- Elvis ?

Elvis: Yes?

Serena- If you are gone, and if I'm being forced to marry someone , will you save me on time ?

Elvis: Of course I will, because my friends will help you, and you promise you won't marry that person okay?

Serena- Of course not. But you won't be mad at me alright ?

Elvis: I won't be mad, but I'll be mad at the person who is trying to marry you.

Serena-( Smiles ) You know my heart only belongs to you , deat

Elvis kisses her head: Of course my dear.

Serena smiles*

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