Djinna is born

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In the castle , Luna is peacefully asleep in her room as she dreams about herself slowly rising the moon as she sings sadly

Luna- Ask not the sun why she sets

why she shrouds her light away, or why she hides her glowing gaze

when night turns crimson gold to grey

For silent falls the guilty sun, as day to dark does turn

Reala listens*

Luna flies into the sky as she continues to sing.

Luna-One simple truth she dare not speak

her light can only blind and burn!

Reala watches*

Luma then lands and walks thrpugh the ruins of the old palace.

Luna-No mercy for the guilty

bring down their lying sun...

Luna finds her old Nightmare Moon Helmet and gently presses her forehead against it.

Reala is worried*

Luna-Blood so silver, black, by night.....

While her back is facing Reala , she slowly transforms and becomes taller as she slowly places the helmet on her head.

Luna-upon their faces pale white...

Luna quickly wheels around to face Reala with her eyes glowing white as she transformed completely into Nightmare Moon

Reala is shocked*

Luna-Cruel moon bring the end

the Dawn will never rise again...

Reala: Honey, calm down.

Them he hears evil cackling

Reala looked*

??? Well well well

Reala is a bit shocked*

???- Welcome back to the dark side , sister.

Then , a silhouetted female alicorn emerges from the shadows with a glowing red horm

Reala looks*

The silhouetted alicorn approaches now Nightmare Moon and grins evilly at Reala

Reala: Honey, wake up!

???- Kill him.

Nightmare Moon , still quiet with her eyes still glowing white silently approaches him on hoof before a giant scythe appears from her magic amd raises it up

Outside the dream*

Reala shakes her: Honey, honey wake up!

Luna gasps wakes up panting

Reala: Honey, are you okay?

Luna- I... Her.... Oh...

Reala: It's a mysterious alicorn?

Luna- Astelle ? Oh no...

Reala: That's her name?

Luna- Yes... I got to warn Tia.

Luna then quickly flies out without explaining more about this Astelle.

In the Labyrinth lair...

Dellar is now 4 years old and walks by himself

Delirium: Look at my boy walking!

Verosika looks and giggles.

Verosika- Our boy Babe.

Dellar sees his parents.

Dellar- English pleeeeaaaaaase !

Delirium chuckles*

Insomni smiles and rubs her belly

Erazor: It's the month my love.

Insomni-( Smiles ) Who knows ? Maybe it will be a yo kai

Erazor: Yeah.

Insomni chuckles and kisses her cheek before her stomach is in pain.

Insomni- Ah !

Erazor: Oh! Is it time?!

Insomni- Yes !

Erazor: Mordred! I need your help!

Mordred- I'm here !

Erazor: Help my wife give birth to our child!

Mordred-( Takes Insomni ) Okay okay ! Baby , I need you to be the nurse !

Time Skip...

Erazor waits outside*

Storm- Yes. She gave birth to a baby girl.

Mordred- And she also inspurited me that I would stay up all night

Erazor: Oh, can I see my wife?

Storm- Of course.

Mordred- This way.

Erazor follows him

He enters inside and sees Insomni cuddling a pink bundle

Erazor: Honey?

Insomni-( Smiles ) Erazor. Come see our bsby girl

Erazor looks closer*

He sees a beautiful baby girl woth his pink skin , small white horns , red hair , two.eyed with a red marking voer them like Imsomni's. Her body is also the same as her mothers but also with the same Wrazor markimgs on her shoulders

Erazor: Oh my....

The baby sttetches and coos.

Insomni-( Smiles ) Isn't she beautiful ?

Erazor: Yes, what should we name her?

Insomni-(pets her ) Hmm.. How about Djinna ?

Erazor smiles: I love that name.

Yo Kai : Djinna

Tribe : Brave

Erazor nuzzled her*

Insomni smiles and kisses her husband before kissing their baby's head.

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