Chapter 5

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bit of a longer chapter here-

When Y/n woke up she couldn't remember how she got home, the last thing she remembers was Jason bringing her punch and that's it. Somehow she got a headache, luckily there was a glass of water on her nightstand she drank it, checking her phone to see messages from Wanda.


Wanda: hey Y/n, I don't know how much you remember from last night

Wanda: text me when you wake up

Oh god, Y/n really hoped she didn't accidentally call Wanda last night and confess her crush on her or something, though she still doesn't know why she can't remember last night. Maybe that punch was spiked and Jason just didn't know it

Y/n: can't remember much from last night, just drinking some punch

Y/n: hope I didn't do anything stupid :/

Wanda: you didn't do anything

Wanda: call me.

Whatever it was it seemed important, so Y/n called her- and listened when Wanda explained everything that happened. And she cried as she thanked Wanda for saving her, and cried some more at the gravity of the situation she could've been in, all the while Wanda just comforted her the whole time

"I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there" Y/n cried

"I try not to think about it, but the good news is, he was found totally beat up this morning. He'll live but he's pretty fucked up, nobody knows who did it either" Wanda declared

"I think- I think I need to take some time for myself" Y/n sighed

"Yeah, I understand that, call me if you need anything"

"Bye" Y/n ended the call.


Y/n barely said a word to anyone for a week after that, her brother would come in and bring her food but she never left her room. She knows nothing actually happened that night but she was so terrified of what nearly happened that she refused to go out. She nearly threw up every time she thought about it

She couldn't stay inside forever though, and her brother decided she'd been a hermit for too long.

"y/n get up, get dressed, you're going somewhere"

"I don't want to" Y/n mumbled into her pillow

"Come on y/n, You haven't moved from your bed in a week"

"That's not true, the other day I spent a good hour on the rug. Now that was an adventure" Y/n joked

"Yeah well, now you can be extra spontaneous and go get some sunlight. I don't want a vampire for a sister"

"That's very lame of you"

"Just get ready y/n, you're leaving in ten minutes"

Y/n very reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for who knows what, considering she didn't know what her brother had planned she went for a simple loose t-shirt and jeans.

After showering she did her hair and put on some light jewelry before stepping out of her room as soon as there was a knock on the door.

She hesitantly made her way down the stairs and was pleasantly surprised at the sight of Wanda in her living room. When Wanda spotted her, her eye's lit up

"Y/n! I'm here to take you out for some sunlight" Wanda revealed

Y/n wasn't excited about leaving her sad cave but if it was to hang out with Wanda then maybe it wasn't so bad.

Requited- WandaxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now