Chapter 7- The End

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The next morning Y/n awoke alone in Wanda's bed to the smell of Bacon coming from downstairs. She found a pair of clothes on the nightstand with a note

'Figured you'd probably want to change clothes'-Wanda

Y/n smiled before changing into the sweater and shorts that Wanda laid out. The sweater nearly completely covered the shorts and she didn't know if Pietro was home, but Y/n headed downstairs anyway and found Wanda cooking in the kitchen

"Well this is a nice surprise" Y/n announced and Wanda tuned around, looking y/n up and down before grinning

"Tell me about it"

"I know you have other clothes I could've borrowed, you just wanted to ogle my thighs you perv" Y/n smiled as she walked up behind Wanda

"Maybe I did, you have no proof" Wanda smiled as Y/n wrapped her arms around her from behind

"So watcha making?"

"Breakfast, why you hungry?"

"A little bit yeah" Y/n admit

"Well I guess you could have some of this food since I happened to make enough for two people" Wanda joked

"Two? So Pietro isn't here?"

"No, he said he had to sort out some stuff with his girlfriend" Wanda rolled her eyes

"But enough about that, how are you feeling?" Wanda turned to face Y/n

Y/n shrugged "I'm ok, doing better thanks to you, you make a great pillow"

"You make a great blanket" Wanda grinned, grabbing the two plates of food and bringing them to the table "now let's eat"

Y/n and Wanda ate in comfortable silence before they spent the rest of the day in bed cuddling. When it got late Y/n wanted to spend asked to spend another night and Wanda easily agreed. That's how most of the week went until y/n figured it was time to head home


When you arrived you were shaking, so much so that Wanda offered to walk you inside. You accepted, and when you opened the door you were greeted with the sight of your mom sitting at the dining table. She seemed surprised to see you and even more surprised to see Wanda, she glanced down at your entwined hands and raised her eyebrows in realization

"Y/n- I wanted to...apologize about the other day. I really shouldn't have blown up about it and it's...ok if you want to be with girls. I don't have a say in who you love but I do have a say in loving you and I do love you. It's going to take me a while to adjust but I'll get there. " she confessed and Y/n started tearing up.

Her mom stood to give her a hug all while Wanda watched on with a smile. When the two of them pulled away y/n's mom turned to face Wanda and extended her hand "Hi, you must be Wanda, I assume you're more than just my daughters best friend"

"That would be correct"

"Well it's nice to meet you, you're always welcome here" Y/n's mom smiled and y/n smiled and Wanda just looked at Y/n with hope in her eyes.


Wanda looked at her with that same hope in her eyes 5 years later on their wedding day.

"Wanda as much as I'd love to stay in bed with you all morning both of us have to get ready for the wedding" Y/n insisted, as Wanda just hugged her tighter from behind. She mumbled something incoherent into Y/n's back

"Babe I can't understand you from back there"

Wanda grumbled but ultimately lifted herself onto her elbows to look at Y/n and she smiled

"There she is" Y/n teased and Wanda rolled her eyes

"I said- can't we just skip the whole ceremony and go straight to the honeymoon?" Wanda said with a glint in her eyes and y/n shoved her away laughing

"You know, I should've known you were going to be this clingy" Y/n speculated

"Mmm but you didn't and now I've got you in my trap" Wanda revealed, a smirk on her face

"Oh come on Wanda, we both know you're not smart enough for that" Y/n teased and Wanda gasped

"You're one to talk, you only figured out I was jealous of you hanging out with Amber two years ago! I'm glad I'm marrying you for looks and not brains" Wanda joked and was immediately hit with a pillow to the face

"We are not doing this on our wedding morning! Now move, I have to leave to get ready" Y/n got out of bed and looked back at Wanda who was sat up in the covers with a pout on her face. Y/n playfully rolled her eyes before leaning down to Wanda and giving her a quick kiss on the lips " I love you Wanda" She confessed

"I love you too Y/n" Wanda smiled "We'll finish this later" She smirked

"I'm going to go blind from rolling my eyes so much around you" Y/n quipped

"Then I'll be your seeing-eye wife" Wanda declared

"I like the sound of that" Y/n smiled

"what? going blind?"

"No dumbass, you being my wife, and the sooner I leave the sooner that happens so- goodbye" Y/n waved at Wanda before exiting their bedroom, they'd rented an apartment together three years ago and now they were getting ready to move into their new house in a few months. It was safe to say both of them were excited for this new beginning, maybe in a few years, they'd even adopt kids.

Wanda says she wants two boys but Y/n is sure she can convince her to adopt at least one girl. Maybe her brothers would have to pick her up from her friend's house too, and maybe she'd find love in the same way Y/n and Wanda did.

But that's all thoughts for the future, right now y/n had a wedding to get ready for with the love of her life. She looked down at the engagement ring on her finger that would soon be a wedding ring, yeah- They had the rest of their lives to live together, and y/n knew their lives were only going to get better.

Requited- WandaxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now