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We ran over to the group and my dad said "they seen you guys in the woods training the pups and they want to see them" I looked at them and growled I wasn't going to let those roughs touch let alone see them. Chase Jr came out in his wolf form "GO BACK INTO THE HOUSE!" I yelled but then the other pups came out. They walk up to us the roughs look satisfied. "Touch them you'll be sorry!" I growled. "Want to see what we can do fine" said Chase Jr. Black smoke came out really fast and went to the rough in the front of the group.

It seeped up his leg and the rough howled in pain. Then Rosalie and Jake used their powers on two other I ones. Spikes can up out of the ground and up trough them. Rube and Britt joined in. Rube sent a lightning bolt trough one and Britt sent ice crystals through another. Bow and Sun were throwing fire balls at two in the back. Luna just sat their with a satisfying look. My children are becoming murders already! When the roughs were dead I heard a howl.

Their was a big muscular wolf standing behind the roughs it was their leader. "All I wanted was to see their powers and you killed my army!" He howled jumping on Jake. I felt my skin burning as I jumped on top of the rough
leader. I heard Jake yip and I was really getting warm until I passed out. I woke up with all of the pups using their powers on the rough leader. Luna was the only one that wasn't. She was sitting next to me. "Mom your face its red."

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