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The next day, it was Saturday so Darry and I both had the day off. I woke up to go make breakfast but Darry had already done it.

The next few hours, the gang and I spent watching Mickey Mouse and eating chocolate cake on the couch.

"Hey, Johnny?" I heard Pony say.

"Aren't we supposed to meet Dally at the drive in?" Pony questioned standing up.

"Yeah, c'mon man let's go." Johnny called stating.

"Here Pony," I handed Pony two dollars in change.

"Thanks, Y/n." He smiled and caught up to Johnny who was waiting on the porch.

"That's for both of you!" I called earning an 'okay!' From Pony.

It was around six-a-clock when they left, it was now seven-thirty so they should be making they're way home I'm a few minutes.

It was now ten-thirty. And Pony hadn't come home yet, we were all starting to get nervous.

It was now two in the morning and we were in the living room waiting for Pony. We then heard the doorknob click and Pony walked in.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Darry slammed the newspaper on the ground.

Pony gave no answer, he just sighed and looked away.

"Hey Pony, where ya been?" Soda asked in a more calm manner.

"I fell asleep in the lot." Pony stated walking to the bathroom.

"What?" Darry asked confused.

"I was talking to Johnny and we fell asleep! I didn't mean to!" Pony called.

"It's two in the damn morning." Darry kept the door from closing.

"And I can't even call the cops because you two would be thrown in a boys home so fast it would make your head spin!" Darry made it unclear how worried he was, and made it more clear how angry with Pony he was.

"Look, I said I didn't mean to!" Pony shouted.

"I didn't mean to! It was and accident! That's all I ever hear from you!" Darry shouted in pony's face.

"Darry, it wasn't on purpose." I serried calming him down.

"I'm sick of you sticking up for the both of them!" Darry yelled at me.

"Watch who your talking too!" I shouted back.

"Don't yell at her!" Pony defended me.

Darry, I'm a fit of rage threw Pony back by pushing him.

"Darry what the hell?!" I tried to stop Pony from running out the door.

"Pony! I didn't mean too!" Darry called out to Pony.

"Pony! Come back!" I called almost running after him, I knew I would never catch him, pony's fast, as hell.

I walked back up the steps, giving Darry a glare.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." Darry tried apologizing.

"First of all, don't yell at me, your not my father, second of all look what you did!" I pushed him back.

"Y/n..please don't." Darry tried pulling me into a hug.

"What if he doesn't come back?!" I called placing my hands on the sides of my head.

"Fuck!" I screamed before slamming the door to the room Darry and I shared.

"Way to go, Darry." Soda stated sarcastically.

"Soda." Darry glared at him.

A few minutes later, I was lying in bed, wondering if Pony would come back. I heard a knock on the door.

"Y/n?" Darry spoke softly.

"What?" I responded sounding angry.

"I'm sorry." Darry apologized once again.

"I'm not even mad anymore, I'm more worried." I sat up facing him.

"Pony will come back..." Darry sat next to me.

"What if he doesn't, and Johnny, he's probably still sleeping in the lot. Dallys at bucks I know that for a fact." I stated.

"They'll be okay..." Darry pulled me into a hug, resting his chin on my head.

"I hope so." I leaned into his chest.

The next day, he still wasn't back. And the day after that, and the day after that. Pony and Johnny had been missing for a week now.

We were all sitting on the couch when Dally walked in.

"Where's Pony and Johnny?" I stood up to him.

"I don't know! Jeez Y/n, what a way to great your little brother." Dally laughed.

"Dally, where are they?" I demanded answers.

"Fine, they're headed to Texas." Dally stated.

"What?!" We all shouted in unison.

"Why the hell are they going to Texas?!" I shouted.

"Johnny killed a Soc..." Dally mumbled.

"No! No he didn't!" I shouted.

"Johnny would never hurt anyone!" I shouted, Johnny was basically Dally and I's little brother.

I had tears in my eyes, Darry walked up to me rubbing my back.

"Why didn't you tell them to come home!" I pushed Dally.

"Y/n! They'd be sent to prison!" Dally argued.

"That doesn't mean you send them over states!" I shouted at Dally.

The room was silent, you could hear a pen drop.

"Why are you playing games, Dallas?" I spoke softly, after taking a long breath.

"I'm not a child, y/n." Dally stated.

"Then stop acting like one!" I shouted again, causing a few of the guys to jump.

"Whatever, just bring them home." I walked out of the room.

"Y/n," Steve tried to stop me.

"Dont!" I pushed him off of me.

I brushed my shoulder against his walking into my room and slamming the door.

"Fuck!" I screamed again.

I was lying in bed crying when Darry walked in and crawled into bed with me, I turned to face him and sobbed into his chest.

I could feel his tears fall into my hair. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

The next day, Dally walked in and said he was going to get Pony and Johnny. I smiled and ran up to him.

"Be careful, I love you, Dal'." I hugged him.

"I will." He hugged me back and left.

A few hours later, we had gotten a call from the hospital. Dally and Johnny had been hospitalized and Pony was in the waiting room.

We rushed to the hospital and quickly made it to the waiting room, Soda made it to him first. Pony didn't hesitate to run to him.

Darry and I followed Soda , Darry and I were behind the two and Pony ran into Darrys arms. Darry was crying, I had only seen him cry a few times, even last night was a shock.

"I thought we had lost you like we did mom and dad." Darry sobbed.

"You Sure do look funny." I tried to bring light to the situation.

"Y/n!" Pony shouted before grasping me into the hug.

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