Chapter One - The Beauty Taken By The Beast

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The first of winter's snow began to fall from the sky, covering the world in white. Arabella Hart kept her small hands deep inside the pockets of her black pea coat. She felt the white flakes landing gently on her long charcoal black hair as she hunched over her back, attempting to block the wind from her shivering skin. Stepping into a small coffee shop, she wiped away the snow from her boots onto a small black rug. It was already winter, she needed to start thinking about the holidays and her family meeting Gabriel.

Stepping up to the counter, she smiled politely and ordered a cup of green tea with lots of sugar. She needed something to warm her up before heading the rest of the distance back to her apartment. She usually would have taken a cab instead of walking in this numbing weather, but as forgetful as she was, she left her wallet at her boyfriend Gabriel's house after spending the night.

She took a seat at a small round mahogany table against the window. From here, she could watch the white snow cover the city, turning it into a white heaven almost. Taking a sip of the tea, she let out a warming sigh. She loved tea as it was her favorite. She could live off of tea for days and never get tired of his warm and delicious rich taste. She heard the ring of the bell above the door as she took another sip of her warming tea. Many seconds may have passed before she heard the low voice of a man.


Arabelle looked up to the face of a man about her age or a few years older at the most. She first saw that he seemed to be wearing a navy blue sweater, with a white undershirt peaking a little at the collar, along with a brown leather jacket. His hands had on black gloves that seemed wet from the melting snow. She looked down at her dulling pink hands, she should have at least worn gloves. 

"Hello." She responded, blushing a little when she caught sight of how handsome he was. His ebony brown hair was messy from the wind with black eyes that stared at her with curiosity. His caramel skin showed a hint of pink on his cheeks, and he had a bit of stubble on his jaw from lack of shaving. His high cheek bones were defined against his soft cheeks that led to a strong jaw. The color of his deep pink lips made her stomach flutter with excitement, his lips were full and inviting, she had to bite her bottom lip in response. Arabella's blush deepened.

"Mind if I sit?" He held up his cup of coffee, Arabella could smell the honey radiating from his cup. He nodded toward her tea, "No coffee for you?"

She shook her head, "No, I don't really like coffee. I had it once and I have been done with it ever since."

He seemed to smile at this, "I don't think I have ever met anyone who didn't like coffee, or anyone who didn't at least drink it." 

She took a sip from her tea, trying to hide the smile that showed at the corner of her mouth. He did the same with his cup. She met his eyes; they quirked up at the corners, he was obviously amused with her. He took he open seat across from her, laying his cup and hands on the table. She felt a flutter in her stomach, sitting here with him made her completely forget Gabriel. Arabella was losing herself. She removed her pea coat, revealing her navy blue blouse, with white buttons leading up to a white bow. 

He chuckled, "Look at us, barely know each other and were already matching."

She looked down at herself, then up to him. She blushed once again, she grabbed her tea to hide another smile. "What your name?"

He grinned, his pink cheeks still hadn't dulled. He leaned back in his chair, seeming to think for a moment,  "I'm Oliver Turner. You?"

She thought back for a moment. That name Oliver, she had a dog named Oliver once, but she probably shouldn't mention that, "Arabelle Hart, but everyone just calls me Belle."

He chuckled again, "Like in Beauty and the Beast, my sister loved that movie," He looked down into his coffee cup, almost mesmerized by the black liquid. For a moment his face changed, his eyes flashed with heat that would have looked angry to some, but she saw that he was sad, truly sad. Arabelle let out a soft laugh to distract him from his thoughts.

"I've always like the movie too, but I feel like I always had to live up to Belle. I can't carry a tune if my life depended on it," She smiled. He smiled back. 

"Neither can I."

She felt her eyes flash to every angle of him, she stared at this strange man with a new desire she has never felt before. He had her heart racing in her chest, and her stomach was making her flustered. Her chest felt heavy and she wanted nothing more than to place her lips on his. His full lips taunted her, and his body was filling her's with need. She forgot Gabriel and could think of nothing other than to have Oliver take her home with him and into his bed. She could picture their bodies intwined, and his hot breath against her shivering skin. His hard arms holding her close to him as he left a trail of soft kisses up her neck...

Suddenly her phone begin to buzz in her pocket, she looked at the caller I.D, it was Gabriel. She pressed ignore. She didn't know why she felt so guilty sitting here with someone she barely knew, but she did. She look up to Oliver, smiling once more. It was their time to part ways, "It was nice meeting you, but I have to meet someone."

He nodded, "It was nice to meet you Belle."

She shivered from hearing her name on his lips. She threw on her coat, looking at him once more. She headed to the back for a quick bathroom break before heading home, hoping he might be out there so she could see him one last time. Sadly, when she walked out from the ladies room, he was gone. He must have left as soon as she did. That was the last time she would see Oliver Turner.

She stepped back out into the cold winter night, the snow was falling more rapidly now and Arabelle could feel the wind kissing her skin. She shivered, looking down at the white pavement, she took faster steps to get back to her apartment. Suddenly, she felt a large pair of hands on her waist. She was too stunned to let out a scream as the hand's grip moved and tightened around her neck pushing her against an alley wall. She opened her mouth to scream with all she had, but the a hand covered her mouth. She felt the panic in her chest and thrashed violently, beating her fists against the stranger's hard chest. The man moved his hand from around her neck, taking both her wrists with ease to hold above her head. The strangers leg pressed into her stomach, holding her in place. She couldn't move and felt completely exposed to this man. Her screams turned into sobs as the man just held her there against the brick wall. The hand was covered by a glove, and Arabelle could taste the snow melting in her mouth. She felt the face of the man against her cheek, he hadn't shaved and his stubble scratched against her soft skin. She could feel his warm breath against her ear, as he whispered, "You're mine now."

She knew that voice, it's low whisper set a coursing fear threw her. The man placed a rag over her mouth and she thought she smelt the strange smell of peppermint. Her vision became clouded as the dark figure's face came into few for the first time, it was him. Oliver watched her as her eyes fluttered. Her mind was getting foggy and she could barely think as all her thoughts turned to nothing. Her limbs relaxed against him, as he scooped her up into his steady arms. He held her close against his chest, protecting her from the harsh winter winds. That last thing she remembered was Oliver brushing a piece of charcoal black hair from her face, his fingers brushing agaisnt her numbing lips, then her eyes closed and she was gone.

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