The deal

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Jimin had this gut feeling that his sister was hiding something from him. He may be not the brightest but he was used to his sister cursed ways. He knew deep down that this warm meal they just had going to cost them much more than they can afford but for ow he will just have some faith.

You know what is common between all the human beings ? Routines, monotonie .. rich or poor it doesn't matter you will get stuck in those circles either ways. With each passing day Jimin forgot about the chickens that they had daily and those eggs with which he been making the kids the tastiest pastries, he was getting used to this kind of luxury but in the back of his head something kept nagging him, and he didn't have to wait longer to see with his own eyes the price this cursed meals were going to cost him.

It was a normal work day for Jimin nothing special he went to the factory and just started his own chores hoping for a better future and maybe someday he won't have to work his eyes out just for some tiny amount of money. He was arranging his 1000 button of the day when he heard his name being called by his boss. Jimin was scared because the boss never ever called any of them to his office. the one time he did it he announced to the poor old guard that he was firing him. So Jimin was scared his job was barley keeping them alive. Jimin was scared but he did not have any choices so he went to meet the boss with dread in his heart.

Upon entering the office he was shocked by the scene enfolding IN front of his eyes. His nephew was held by two guards while he cried his eyes out looking so guilty and small.

- Yukon-a what did u do ?

-I'm sorry uncle i just wanted to help !

-YuKon what?..

- Are you mister Park Jimin ?

-yes mister officer what did my nephew do ?

-you nephew was caught stealing from Mr. TAGAKA farm and it's not the first time as u are his legal guardian we want your signature so we could take him into custody because he is a minor still.

-NO..NO please he doing good at school and the exams are nearing ! please is there another solution ! take me instead please mister !

-I'm sorry we can't help u the only way is if Mr. TAGAKA drop all the charges but for now please don't make it harder just sign this formulary so we can go!

Not being able to do anything else Jimin signed the damned piece of paper and watched with teary eyes Yukon being dragged by the official guards. His boss seing all this heart breaking scene gave Jimin the rest of the day so he could help his nephew out while promising him that he won't cut from his salary.

After showing his gratitude he run as faste as his legs could to the village market because Mr. TAGAKA a famous marchent and he spend the day at the market selling his goods. It wasn't that hard to find the man, he was quite loud and ugly. He made his fortune by overcharging the poor villagers and destroying their own business. Jimin prayed that this man had at least some pity in his heart. Gathering all his courage at once he went to meet the nasty marchent:

- Mr. TAGAKA I'M Park Jimin, YUKON uncle the kid that..

-ENOUGH you are the rascal's uncle ? What u came to finish the job off he steal my chickens and u try to create a mess at my stand to destroy my business ?

-NO..NO I'm begging you mister my nephew is just a kid he only 16 he just wanted to help out ? he don't know any better please i will pay u all the money he made u loose !

At this the man laughed hard at Jimin's face as if he was telling him the funniest joke ever :

-U paying me LOOK at your self Park you need help to even survive ! u look like u didn't have a warm meal since your mother birthed you ! he is going to jail where he belongs and i don't care u can't offer me nothing!

Jimin got down on his knees in front Mr. TAGAKA and bowed.


-I'm begging you Mister don't ruin this kid life he is my hope please !

-OKAY ! JUST GET UP i will go right now and you don't need to pay ! For god sake GET UP !

Jimin euphoric jumped on Mr. TAGAKA and hugged him thinking that deep down even the evilest people have a tiny amount of pity in their hearts. Happy, Jimin went home to wait for his nephew to give him the biggest scolding of his life than hug this pain out of him, but what Jimin ignored is that the devil never does something for free and he just signed his soul off.

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