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"Whitty!" I shouted, running to where the scream was. "Dad, wait!!" Selever shouted, trying to follow behind me. BUT he tripped & fell. Nova helped Sel up & ran up to me. Rasazy followed behind. When we got there, Whitty was shaking. There was a weird version of him. With a weapon. Thankfully, I still had enough energy to punch that weird version of him. It seemed to disappear, like when Nova had stabbed the weird version of Sel.

Whitty POV

"Ruv!" I said, cuddling Ruv. "Hey, Whitty." He said, slightly hugging back. "Please let go of me. Your squeezing me a bit too hard." He then said. "Oh. OK." I said, backing away. A few more of my friends, Carol & Hex, found us. "WHITTY!" Carol shouted as she ran to hug me. "I'm surprised that we found you. I thought we lost you!" Hex said. "It's not safe in the open." Ruv said.

Rasazy POV

"I agree." I said. "Over there." Sel said softly. He pointed at a seemingly abandoned house. "Wait!" A voice shouted. We turned to see mom running to us. "Mom!" I shouted. "What happened to you guys?! Who's the purple-haired fox girl?!" She shouted. "I'm Nova." Nova said. "OK. But, I'm serious. Ruv... WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Mom shouted. "-Sigh- Me & the kids ran into those weird version of me & Sel. The one that looked like Sel beat me up big-time." Dad said. "-Gasps- I-i-i-is this t-t-t-true...?" Whitty asked, re-wrapping his arms around my dad.


"Can we just get inside?" I said, annoyed. "Oh. Right!" Hex said. We all walked in to see someone that LOOKED LIKE MY DAD in the home. 

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