Start of Sophmore Year

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It was the first day of school, and Choi Soobin’s mom was passed out drunk on the couch. Great. That meant Soobin had to either, miss the first day of school, or walk to school. Soobin thought back to freshman year, where the same thing had happened, he missed the first day of school and that meant not being able to choose his seats. Soobin shivered at the thought of having to sit all the way at the back of the classroom, with assholes, who mocked him for wearing his glasses. He didn’t usually wear them, but sitting at the back, meant he had to wear them every day. If Soobin wanted this year to be different then he had to walk to school, even if it was a fifteen-minute walk.

Soobin walked through the front doors as the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the day, he had six minutes to get to class. In most high schools that would be a lot of time, but the school he attended was huge. It was meant for the upper-middle class after all.

“Yo Soobin, what happened, I was waiting for you by the courtyard tree, but you never showed” Huening Kai, his best friend since childhood, said as he playfully shoved him,
“Mom passed out on the couch again” Soobin mumbled.

Kai’s smile dropped, he felt bad for Soobin, but he knew his best friend hated pity. Luckily he knew exactly how to cheer the tall-dimpled boy.
“Hm, well at least you got here just in time to not be tardy” Kai, who always found the positive in everything gleefully said.
“Yeah, but I still have to get my schedule”
“Oh… you mean, this right here” said Kai, as he waved a blue paper with all of Soobin’s information, is his face, which Soobin took and shoved in his pocket.
“Woah, Hyuka! How did you even get that” Soobin exclaimed hugging and picking up his best friend, who had just made his shitty day a lot better
“I have my ways” Kai said laughing as Soobin spun him around and then set him back down.
“Let me guess, you brought the teacher in charge of schedules a drink, and took it while they were looking away?” Soobin added knowing about Kai’s fast hands and charming ways that often than not led to the younger getting away with many things.
“It was a muffin actually”
“Hm, any chance you have an extra muffin? I didn’t get to eat breakfast because I had to walk here” Soobin pouted in the way he knew would show his dimple, that Kai often called cute, hoping it would convince his best friend.
“Well… I was going to save it for myself, but you can have it! You’re lucky you’re cute” Kai stuck out his tongue and pulled the muffin that had been in the pocket of his cardigan, handing it to Soobin. The taler of the two instantly opened the muffin’s plastic covering and bit into the sandwich, moaning as he took a bit, and winking at Kai whose cheeks began to turn pink at the unholy sound he had just heard.
“HEY! YOU TWO! GET TO CLASS!” a teacher yelled obnoxiously making the pair part ways running to their first period.
Soobin had arrived at his first period a few seconds before his first period class began. The classroom was mostly empty except for around four kids and the teacher. Soobin was not a shy kid, but he also was not necessarily a popular kid. He really hoped there would not be a seating schedule, so he walked to the teacher’s desk and introduced himself
“Good morning Mrs. Maih, I am Choi Soobin, do we have a sitting schedule or are we free to sit wherever?”
“Good morning Soobin, there is no seating arrangement” the teacher kindly responded and went back to typing what Soobin assumed were emails.

Soobin turned back around to the class and took in the setup of the classroom. The desks were in pairs, divided into four rows across in both directions. Soobin did not want to wear his glasses this year, but he also did not want to sit right in the front in case he ever needed to cheat for a test. He decided to sit on the row next to the windows and choose the second seat, the one that was right against the wall. Content with his seat he took out his Geometry notebook and waited for the class to fill in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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