29.my Mother and Brother

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 …Tiara’s POV…

I woke up with a jolt because of another nightmare and it felt like a dream like all that happened yesterday was a dream. But when I saw my mom beside me I knew better than to deny it. I slowly got up and went to the washroom, completed my routine and got dressed in a black jeans and a blue baggy shirt and braided my hair.

“is that what you wear now ?” my mom asked I just nodded and headed down where there was a box on the table when I opened it I saw the same silver shoes I thought I had dumped, I just kept them at side and saw a note there,

“Just don’t give up because you fell once, get up, move ahead and show the world that its your time girl.       Wear them..” I knew the handwriting to well so I also knew that besides from mom and Chase now Aid too knows.

I just slipped it in my back pocket and started making breakfast when the bell rang I dashed towards the door and saw a courier boy there with samples of dresses which I assume is my mums coz yes ladies and gentlemen my Mom is a fashion designer and yes that’s one of the reason I did the stylist course.

I called up my mom and told her that her parcel had arrived when she told me that tomorrow is her fashion show here in New York.

“Need some help.” I said pointing towards the dresses.

“I need models, will ya ?”

“Nup I wont but yeah I can get you some.”

“I need boys too and the models should be fresh and performers.”

I nodded and instantly pulled out my phone and texted, “SKIP SCHOOL and meet me at home in an hour.”

All replied with okay and asked everything was fine.

Then I went with my mom to the living room where we had all the dresses we started deciding  who will wear what.

“I have my girl showstopper so I just need the guy and he should definitely be a performer.” My mom said.

“Who is the girl” I asked.


“Shreya is coming here ?” I asked.

“isn’t it obvious.”

‘Shreya Shah, an Indian top model, beautiful doesn’t even begins to describe her we were very close and after the whole Zara stuff she was my shoulder to cry and has been my rock since then. People call her bitch I call her practical at least she won’t go back bitching. She is a bit short than me but her wardrobe of shoes fill it up. Got curves at the right place and jet black mid back length straight hair.’

I was about to ask mom something when at the same time the bell rang and I somehow made my way through the giant heap of dresses for the door.

When I opened the door Adrain and Sam were kissing the hell out of each other so I just banged the door on their faces and went in later  the door opened and Aid came in with the others.

“How did you get in ?” I asked.

“My dear little sister if you haven’t noticed I too live in this house and that I have the keys too.” He replied grining as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. It kind of was Tiara.

When all the others came in they instantly recognized my mom.

When Sam snapped out of her daze all, she said was “You are Tamana Raichands Daughter.”

“Is that the only thing you understood!” I said.

Then my mom started telling them about how she wanted their help and all of them instantly accepted when another tissue made it way to me, “Let people in, and let Tiara out…” I looked at Chase and he winked. That son of a….

So it was decided that Sam and Aid were opening the show with some moves and Shreya and Chase would end it with a performance I somehow got Chase to sing. I knew I was to pay for it because lets face it we all know Chase wont do something until and unless there is a profit for him.

After deciding everything we all sat around eating ice cream,

“Well kill me if I find you without ice cream even for a day.” Someone said but my back was facing them but I still knew who it was and my moms smile just assured me.

“You have got to be kidding me.”  I said and turned around and look I was so right Aryan and Shreya were here

I just smiled and jumped on Aryan hugging him tightly.

He balanced both of us and hugged me right back, well he is younger than me but has always been the matured one.

“I missed you so much baby.” I said ruffling his hair.

He took my hand and dragged me to the kitchen, “Is that guy Chase ?” he said pointing towards Chase who was currently throwing daggers at us. “yeah, why ?”

“Well because he is certainly gonna kill me because he thinks there is something between us.”

“No, he doesn’t.” I stated.




“no, how do you know ?.”

“Men psychology.” He said and went to the hall leaving me confused.

I was so in thoughts that I didn’t even notice that Chase was now beside me.

“So are you and Aryan, uhmm _ a thing.  ?” He said with a hint of annoyance and jealousy. I started laughing on his face, Aid and Aryan came in and Aid asked, “What happened ?.”

“He_thinks_Aryan_and_I_are_a_thing”  I said in middle of my laughs, now even Shreya was here and all of us were laughing except from Chase, well he looked out of place, when we controlled our laughs, Aid still had a huge smile and Shreya had gone out and told mumma about it and we could now hear her laugh too. Aryan gave me a look that said I told you so.

I went to Chase and pulled his cheeks and he just swatted my hand away.

“Now, if you are done can you please tell me What just happened ?.” He huffed.

“Chase, Aryan is my real younger brother.” I said and Chase just stood there too embarrassed to respond.

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