Chapter 67:Bullets can Kill part 2

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Well since its only me and you i guess i can kill you.

You can try but you wont be able to.

Kara's pov:
When she finished her sentence i had no paitence anymore so i threw my gun on to the side as well as her.

Emeris's pov:
It had been a while since i last fighted somebody. But all i need to do it watch her moves.

Kara's pov:
I tackle emeris over landing on top of her and pull a pocket knife out from behind my back and try to cut her throat.

Emeris's pov:
She was slowly cutting my neck open so i had to think of a way out. Then i heard to gun shots from outside. So i pressed the red button letting a high pitch sound run off from my watch i seen her get off me and cover her ears. Blood was coming out of ears and i watched her fall to the ground so i grabed the gun that i threw on the floor and shot her in the leg and Thats when i needed to run outside.


Stay with me Kian.

Mom dad


(Kara gets up limping with one foot up the staircase finding a good spot to shoot)

Any last words Lucia. Nope ok.

(Kara Aims the gun at lucia)



Emeris's pov:
Her Blood was now covering my face. I grab my dads gun and aimed it right at here and shot her in the head. And she went falling to the ground.

Mom,dad. Your gone, your really gone.

Emeris finish kingi off im taking mom and dad back to the safehouse. Mateo you come with me.

(Emeris watches rocco and mateo pick lucia and kian up from the grass)

Emeris's pov:
Where their bodies were laying it was now a blood bath in the grass. I felt nothing alk i wanted was for kingi to be dead. I walked over to him he was still breathing. "YOU TOOK MY PARENTS FROM ME, MY BROTHERS PARENTS. WHY? BECAUSE YOU WERE FUCKING IN LOVE WITH THEIR SISTER.

(Nicholas see emeris yelling at kingi)


Emeris's pov:
Any last words i said with tears dripping off my face. Didnt think so. Enjoy hell.

(Emeris pulls the trigger)

Emeris's pov:
I feel to the ground i couldnt stop my tears coming out. Then i felt a warm pair of arms around me. "Everything will be alright" He said. But i didnt know how to react. Or what to do all i needed to do now was go back to the safehouse. "Lets go" i said in an angry tone. "Theres something i need to do" i said.

(Emeris presses the white button)


(Emeris and nicholas run)


Nicholas's pov:
As we were running we heard a boom. I looked behind us and the house was fully destroyed as we were running piecies of the mansion were coming onto the road and the smoke was covering the road behind us.

(At the safehouse)


Stella's pov:
Alessandro and Laura bought Kylo's body back which was covered in blood i had a blank face.

(Emeris and nicholas enter)

Hes dead.

(Emeris walks upstairs to her bedroom)

Ill go check on her.

Emeris's pov:
I couldnt concentrate on anything all i wanted to do was have a shower clean my parents blood off me and go to sleep.

Nicholas's pov:
*Sigh* i hope shes ok. It hurts when you lost family especially your parents. I just want to make sure shes ok.

(After half an hour.11:30pm)

Emeris's pov:
I guess its time to get out. I dry myself and slide on my pj's and dry my hair with my towel.

(Emeris walks out)

Oh hey.

How are you holding up?

Badly. I can- cant take any of this.

(Emeris starts crying)

Lets get you in to bed.

(Nicholas and emeris get into bed)

Nicholas's pov:
As shes crying i try my best to comfort her. After an hour shes finely asleep i pull her durvey covers over her making sure shes warm......

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