Waking up

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«Mitch's P.O.V»
"You know guys, just go home. I'm pretty sure you two are tired....." I spoke faintly to Avi and Kevin. "We'll stay." Insisted Avi. "Please, I can take care of her." I insisted back. "You should be the one to go home... you look messed up." Kevin spoke. "Please, just go.............." After I pleaded, Avi stood up.

"We'll be back by 3." Reported Avi. I didn't bother responding. Instead, I just watched them leave the door. The two soon left.


A very minimal voice echoed through my ear drums. I marked a smile on my face, turning my head against Taylor. I looked to her fingers that are trying to raise. S-she's awake.

".....u-uncccleeee..... A-avvi........."

"Taylor." I gasped. I grasped her sweet hands and planted a kiss to it. "Daddy's here...... baby, I love you...." I stood up just to press my lips to her forehead. I looked back to the door. I stood up and quickly opened the door. Avi and Kevin are just about to leave.


I yelled over my lungs. I can't believe my doubts are changed into hope. My daughter is okay. Avi turned his back, smiling. I didn't help but run towards him and heavily embraced him. He embraced back. "She's okay..." I whispered. He brushed his palm to my hair and patted my back. "She's awake...."

»Kevin's P.O.V«
Mitch opened the door himself, and sprung to his seat excitedly. Taylor's eyes are widened, but faintly. "Uncle Avi... Uncle Kevin......." It's so nice she even took a chance to smile. "Daddy....." Her words lifted Mitch's tears. "I'm glad you're okay..." Mitch said, he can't stop kissing Taylor's hand.

"Where's Uncle Scott?"

«Scott's P.O.V»

Kirstie's alive...?


Many questions should be answered. But instead, it left remained. I was sitting on a stool near her, currently admiring if it was her or not. I took her hand and examined, as I spun to see her palm and wrist. Words saying "Philippians 4:13" believed me it was really her. But, how?

Does Mitch know? Or is it just me?

And for the fact that she was yelling Taylor's name before, which I was also confused on. How come she's calling her? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Taylor.

A nurse came in, "I'm just going to check her dextrose, sir."

As she went closer to the I.V, "Uh, Miss?" I called.

"Yes, sir?"

"Do you know who brought her here in the hospital?" I asked. She quite stopped her business and looked to me. "Uh, if I'm not mistaken, his name is Mitch........... Like, Grassi."


"O-oh... thank you." I just spoke. The nurse have left soon.

Mitch is the one who brought her in? So he knows it before me?

I exited the room, and ran. Until I spotted the Nurse Station. "Uh, excuse me." I called another attention. "Uh... Taylor Grassi's room?" I asked, the nurse that responded to me began to type to her computer. "A relative to the patient?"

"Yes, I am her uncle." I answered.

"Okay, she's in room 413." After she answered, I ran again. I went to corridor 4. "412, 413. There."

»Mitch's P.O.V«
The door was suddenly opened. "Since when did you know?" It was Scott. His voice was fierce. I stood up. "Know what?"

"Quite trash talking, since when?!" He growled.

"What?!" I growled back. "What are you talking about?"

"Mitch, since when did you know Kirstie is alive?!"

Silence in the room, and I was very shock. I walked back from him. "Kirstie?" A wondering voice of Avi was heard. "Why haven't you tell us?" Scott questioned. I can't even speak. How did he know?

"Answer me!" Yelled Scott.

I didn't answer. "Uncle Scott, don't yell at daddy." Pleaded Taylor. "Mitch, WHY?!" Scott yelled for the last time.


"I just fucking saw her in the woods!" I yelled. "I have no clue why she's alive, okay? I have no fucking idea." I was shouting to them.

"Then why didn't you just told us she's here?" Scott asked calmly.

I remained silent, but... "I-It's because I'm scared........................."

"Scared to what?" Scott asked again. I gave a very long pause.

"........................ scared to love her again."

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