Street teaches their daughter to ride his bike

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"Jim?" Chris raises her eyebrows when she finally finds him - and their daughter Mila, in their garage. "What are you doing?"

Jim turns to face her. "I'm teaching our daughter how to ride."

"I can see that," she rolls her eyes playfully, "Mila, what's daddy got you doing huh?" she laughs.

"I ri daddy's bwike!" Mila exclaims happily.

"You're riding daddy's bike huh? That's pretty clever!" Chris smiles, walking closer to her, "are you having fun?"

Mila nods. "Ya!"

"Chris grins. "You trying to turn our daughter into a rebel bikie?" she raises her eyebrow at Jim.

He smirks. "No, not a rebel. Just a bad ass like her mother."

Chris rolls her eyes playfully. "Ah huh."

Street catches Chris by the waist and pulls her in to him. She smiles, resting her head on his chest. "I love you. And our little girl."

"I love you too," she says, leaning in for a kiss.

Author's Note:
Another really short one!
The photo actually looks to me kind of like I decided to put it up with the story. I named their daughter Mila. I also think if they had a son they'd name him 'Nate' after Street's foster brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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