The Ticket Master

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I giggle as I pad along the dirt road with Dusk and AJ. Both boys were leading horses, with Spike sat upon the horse Dusk was leading. I was picking up all of the apples that Spike was throwing away. I then put them in the baskets again. "Thank ya kindly, Dusk, for helping me out. You too, sugarcube." He says to the two of us as I collect more of the thrown apples. I caught up with AJ as he looked down at me.

"I bet Big Macintosh I could get all these Golden delicious' in the barn by lunchtime." AJ explains and I nod with a giggle. That was when AJ explained Big Mac's forfeit if AJ won. He had to walk down the street in a pair of their Grandma's underwear. I giggle hysterically as Dusk tells him it's no problem. "Well, it would have happened faster if you guys would let me help." I state stopping in my tracks. AJ sighs before hoisting me up onto his horse.

"Sure, sugar cube. Next time." He states but I knew there wasn't gonna be a next time. I was grateful that I wore my usual skirt given that I didn't do anything. "I'm glad the goal is lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry." Dusk states as I pull out my book from my bag. "Here here." I call to him with a soft smile which he returns. I giggle a little as I hear Dusk's stomach groan loudly and it earned me a playful glare from Dusk.

That was when Spike let out a stream of fire that contained two scrolls. I caught the two of them, handing Dusk his. We had both received our invites to the Grand Galloping Gala. Dusk had gotten a plus one, as did I. I rolled my eyes as Dusk and AJ got excited. "Please, I have to go every year. A whole night of talking to stiffs who are trying to weasel their way into my family." I complain as I hop off the horse and I pull out my ticket along with my plus one.

Maybe I could take a guy this year and stop the bothersome line of suitors. I chuckled a little as AJ started talking and I sighed, rolling my tickets back up into the invitation. I turned around and ran straight into Blitz. "You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples." AJ accuses Blitz as he wraps an arm around my waist. He smirked and shoved him off as I tucked the invitation into my pocket and smiled.

"I'm heading back to the library. I have some reading to catch up on." I tell the three of them and they nod before continuing to argue. When I finally got home, I located the kitchen and started making cake and sandwiches. If I knew Dusk, he was going to get harassed for his extra ticket to the gala. And then I pulled out a book and found a perch up on a library balcony. The next person who seemed to be propositioning Dusk for his ticket was Bubble Berry.

I stood up and headed down to Elusive's shop. When I headed into the shop, Elusive was assisting a gentleman. He glances over at me and his eyes light up. "I'll help you in a minute darling." He calls to me as I look over the dresses around me. Once the man left, Elusive returned his gaze to me. "Now, what can I do for you?" He questions me as I run my fingers through a length of fabric on the wall.

"I need a dress for the Grand Galloping Gala." I state and he gapes at me. "The Gala?! I've always wanted to go to the gala." Elusive coos as he pulls me up onto a stand so that he can take my measurements. His unicorn magic assists him in taking measurements. "I design ensembles for the gala every year, but I've never had the opportunity to attend." Elusive explains and I let out a light but frustrated sigh.

"I've been every year since I was 10, it's really nothing special." I say softly, not meeting Elusive's eye. He smiles softly at me as he begins pulling out some books on dress styles. Then, I had an idea. "You know, perhaps...if you could do me a solid...I could get you a ticket to the gala." I say hesitantly to Elusive, catching his attention. He quirks an eyebrow at me and comes back over. He lifts me from the measuring stool.

"And just what would this 'solid' be? I've already made you a dress." Elusive teases and I blush as Dusk comes into the shop. "I need a the gala to save me from my father." I explained to him, not quite looking him in the eye. "I need stop him from trying to give me away to" I continue as I glance over at Dusk. I could feel Elusive smirking proudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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