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The world turned white.

I don't mean colonization white I mean lack of color or mix of colors depending on your substance, visual, color white.

I fall backwards as Kyle slumps to his knees, a world of pain searing behind my eyes as I feel it too.



A second draws out into minutes as energy dances in the room. Moe pulls Bridge behind them instinctively, Drew falls in shock.


Andrew makes a move for Kyle.

"Andrew!" I try to scream but my mouth is numb, my body weak, I hit the floor and the lightning stops.

The room is silent save for the panting of each of us after holding our breath. I can feel my heart pound as I push myself up, smoothing out my hair.

Kyle stays kneeling, eyes brimming with tears. "Ow," he whispers.

I scoot towards him, wrapping him up in a hug. I ignore the tingles of lingering electricity between us as I smooth out his hair, trying to calm his shaky breathing.

"I'm sorry," I whisper and a tear falls onto my thigh, evaporating instantly. "I was scared."

"So was I," he trembles and I rub his back, "we both were hurt."

"Andrew?" Drew's voice breaks behind us and I feel my blood grow cold.

"No," I whisper as I let go of Kyle, turning to find Andrew unconscious. "No, nonono."

"Andrew," Drew cradles his head, saying his name a little louder. Kyle manages to turn around, tears singeing off of his cheeks as he watches Drew frantically try to wake Andrew. "Andy...come on, please." I reach towards him, my hand brushing his cheek.

A spark dances between my finger and his face and he jumps up. "Kyle!" He reaches out as if blind and I take the hand closest to me.

"Breathe," I say gently and he manages to squint, finding me. His mouth twitches before he can smile and his eyes dilate while locked on my own.

"Kaya~" he drawls, then starts to slump over. Drew smacks his cheek and he sits up, alert. "Bitch don't slap me," he slaps Drew back, earning only a sigh.

"Are you okay?"


"Good or bad?"

"Drew, I'd yike lou to onsider thircumtances," Andrew starts, then pauses. "Oo tired oo talk."

I help him up. "Then rest. We'll keep watch."

"I can stay with him," Drew volunteers as he carries him to the nearest bed.

"I'll find another room," I turn, exhausted, and Bridge and Moe each take one of my arms, helping hold my weight.

"My loves! Did you see that lightning? It was so close!" Mrs. Kadelian is chirpy as usual and I don't have the energy to yell at her.

"Too close," Moe mumbles.

"She's really exhausted, we're just gonna take her to bed." Bridge forces a smile and Mrs. Kadelian fiddles with a bandage around her forearm.

"Would you like some seafood boil? I make the best shrimp and lobster I can," she smiles sympathetically and tears form in my eyes as I think of Mum.

"No, thank you, but please save some for me, I'm sure it tastes amazing."

"Mom, I think they'll all eat in the morning, everyone's pretty...pretty beat," Kyle calls over our heads and Mrs. Kadelian slowly nods.

"Right...I'm sure it's tiring with your first night in a gang. I know I didn't recover for a full day after my first shootout," she laughs, "well, sleep well darlings!"

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