3. I'm here for you

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For the next few weeks, New avoided Tay.

Whenever Tay is around, New would take over the cashier spot or work in the back room. He was careful enough not to cause any problems in the café and Toptap just let him be. If he’s doing anything that would jeopardize their work, he’s sure the Toptap would talk to him.

Tay dropped by constantly, not missing a day. On some days, he’d have Arm with him but mostly it’s just him. He had wanted to talk to New to apologize for what he said the last time and it’s frustrating him that he couldn’t get any timing at all. ‘No luck today either.’ He sighed as he went up to the counter to pay for his drink.

The Gods must have other plans today because New suddenly came out from the back room.

“SHIT! I have to fetch Pleum and the deliveries are still coming in. Toptap can you-”

“I can fetch him.”

New hesitantly looked to the side at the familiar voice and bit his lip.  “You don’t have to.”

“Look New… I’m your best shot. Pluem knows me and I know him. He will be safe with me. I promise.” Tay gave him a reassuring smile.


Toptap nudged New, a silent gesture to trust Tay. The youngest had a point. It’s important for Pleum to recognize who was fetching him and he has seen Tay thousands of times. Finally New nodded. “I’m sorry to impose on you. So when you get there, try and wait by the park first. That’s where I usually wait. If he isn’t there after five minutes, you can ask the school guard for him. He still might be playing inside. And oh it’s on gate 3 and the address-”

“NEW! Breathe.” Tay calmly said and his demeanor is slowly affecting New as the older let out a deep breath. “Gate 3 and it’s the school near the park, yes? Got it. I’ll bring him back safe.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?” New worriedly asked again.

Tay nodded. “You have a lot on your plate right now and if there’s anything I can help you with, I’d gladly do it. Well then, I’ll get going.” He made his way to the door when he felt a small tug on his arm. He looked back to see New catch up to him.

“Thank you Tay. I owe you for this.”

Tay placed his hand atop the Younger’s and gave it a squeeze. “You don’t owe me anything. If you feel bad about it then maybe just coffee? Prepared by you?”

“I can do that.” New chuckled and he felt a tug when the younger gave him a big smile, his deep dimples showing.

45 minutes later, a beaming Pleumki was running towards New. “Hey Bud!”

“Tai fetched me! We ate ice cweam and play arcade! Hey Pa, can he fwetch me again? Can he?” Pleum was doing a little dance and New couldn’t help but smile.

He pushed his son towards the stairs. “Maybe. Go freshen up! You stink!”

“I love you Pa!” Pleum gave New a kiss on the cheek before waving to Tay.

New let out a relieved sigh and turned to Tay. “Thank you, Tay. It means a lot to me. Also, Tai?”

Tay shook his head. “Anything for-.. I’m glad to help. Tai is easier for him to say I guess i don't mind it. Hey can I stay here for a bit while I do some studying?” He bit his lip as the words ‘anything for you’ almost slipped. He’d have to be careful because he wouldn’t want to scare the older away.

The younger nodded. And as he watched Tay get busy, he couldn’t stop his heart from fluttering.

It was 7 pm when Tay started gathering his things. He got so busy that he lost track of time. He felt guilty as he noticed he was the only customer left and Toptap was slowly setting up to what looks like a party. As he was about to leave, New stopped him.

“Hey listen. Would-.. Would you like to stay for dinner? We are having a small get together later and I’d love it if you say yes.” New asked shyly.

Tay sucked in a breath. Honestly he wasn’t sure what to do and he wouldn’t want New to think that he’s taking advantage of the situation. “New if you still feel indebted to me, please don’t. I’m very happy that I could help you even just for that.”

New shook his head. “I insist please. These past few weeks…”

“You don’t have to explain New. It’s okay. I was out of line.”

“No, no. You didn’t know and it’s unfair for me to avoid you without explaining anything. I’d love it if you stayed for dinner but only if you’re not busy. It’d make me happy too.” New was blushing by the time he finished and Tay had to chuckle.

How could he say no?

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