6. Drunk in Love

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Tay and Arm came inside the café laughing and joking around. It was Sunday and the café was closed so they decided to do a little get together and invited Arm along.

“Where have you guys been?” TopTap came out bringing a tray.

“We were playing football by the park! Man it’s so hot today!”

As soon as Tay said this, New came out from the counter bringing drinks. “Iced Americano for two sweaty young men.”

Tay sent New a flying kiss. “You’re heaven sent, NONG NEWWIE!”

“New. Call me. I’d feel more comfortable with that.”

“Ah… I can try" Arm gulped down his drink right away and New just shrugged.

Tay just smiled and took sips. “I’d take you up on your offer. Although I’d prefer calling you Sweetheart.”

New pursed his lips and glared at Tay. “As if you don’t call me that already.”

Arm glared at both New and Tay. “I came here for the party and the booze, not to see you guys flirt. Stop making me hate my single life!!” He walked off, leaving them alone.

Tay heartily laughed as New shook his head. “You don’t mind do you?”

“Mind what?” New’s brows crumpled.

“That I call you Sweetheart.” Tay finished his drink and leaned to whisper, “I like how it rolls in my… tongue.”

New didn’t get to answer because a face towel was thrown in Tay’s face. The youngest glared at a smirking Arm. “Stop flirting and let’s play ball!”

The Younger ones of the group sat under the huge umbrella, hidden from the scorching sun. They watched as Arm and Tay played football with their kids. It was nice to have a break sometimes.

“So, how is it living with flirty D.H.C?” TopTap suddenly asked.

Mike looked at New and raised an eyebrow. “He’s living with you?? Since when?? And how flirty is he??”

“Very flirty. I’ve grown quite immune to it already. He started renting two weeks ago. R.E.N.T.I.N.G OKAY?! Don’t look at me like that Mike. I’m just helping out a friend.” New was starting to blush.

“Hey I’m not judging. I just think it’s nice that you’re enjoying yourself.” Mike nodded in Tay’s direction and New glanced, producing a dreamy sigh.

It was like slow motion for him. Tay’s shirt slowly lifted up and as it went past his hips, New sucked in a breath. When it went past his well-toned stomach, the younger bit back a moan. New traced Tay’s form with his eyes – wide strong arms, well-defined chest, broad shoulders and abs… Oh that abs. He stared carefully, engraving it in his mind – every detail and every curve.

When New reached Tay’s face, his mouth went dry as a smirking Tay was already staring at him.

Mike leaned in to whisper at his friends ear, “You sure he’s just a friend?”

New broke away from the stare and turned around, feeling his warm cheeks. “Yes…. I- I’m not sure.”

“You’ll figure it out. In the meantime, try to slowly break the idea to Pluem.” And Mike’s right to remind New of Pluem.

New sighed as he thought of the opened letter he left on his desk. “A mail arrived. The divorce was granted and finalized. I probably should tell Pluem today. He could always sense if something is wrong.”

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