Hot Milk on a Cold Night (braden)

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*yes I'm aware the story begins during spring, but it's going to be winter for the purpose of this story, and that Braden and Elijah aren't siblings but in my story they are lol*

"Alright (name) now that you know how to set up the barn, go out there and have some fun!" Doc Jr yelled as he waved you goodbye. "Fun, sure, I'll have fun alright, fun walking in this snow!" You said once out of earshot. "Lighten up (name)! This'll be fun, you've just got to be optimistic about it!" Vitae told you, "Alright, alright, you've got a point, but I still wish it would be warmer out."

It was the start of winter and boy was it cold for how early it was. However looking around your attitude soon changed. The trees glistened with ice, and the path you walked upon was almost covered with snow, taking in a breath of cold air your mood lightened at how beautiful everything was.

"Oh look (name)!" "Hm?" "Look at that, it's one of those robots Doc Jr was talking about" Vitae flew towards it, "What did he call these things again?" She looked up at you, " I think he said their names are Sparky" "Sparky huh? That makes since, Sparky seems like a good robot name" you hum a yes.

"Alrighty then (name), you heard what doc Jr said, press that button and let the expand-o-farm do its job!" "Ok let's do this!" Pressing the button a bright light appeared followed by large thuds, then all of the sudden, BAM, your house and farm rested on the small plot of land.

"Well well, would you look at that Vitae... This'll be fun you're right I should be more optimistic" "See I told you so!" Vitae smiled at you, "Well it is getting quite late, I'm going to plant these few crops I gathered, you can go wait inside where it's warmer" "Ok, just try not to be out here too long, don't want you to catch a cold!" Vitae went over and hugged your neck before zooming off to the warm house.

After planting and watering the very few crops you had, you headed inside to find Vitae asleep on your pillow

*The next morning*

"GOOD MORNING (NAME)!" Vitae practically yelled into your ear, "Vitae not so loud" you rolled over pulling the blanket over your head, "Oh sorry, I guess I'm just not used to being around others since I've been asleep for so long" she chuckled, "It's alright, just work on your inside voice" "Hmm ok! But the reason I had wanted to wake you up was because I wanted to tell you about the village near here!"

A village huh? Now that had your interest

Quickly you sat up the sleep already gone from your eyes, "A village you say, tell me more!" Vitae giggled, "I had woken up early so I decided to go water your crops for you, since it's your first day and all, but after doing that I saw some pieces of dirt so I assumed they belonged to a path, and I followed it and what do ya know there's a village up there!" "Oh wow really?! And you watered my crops too! That's so sweet of you Vitae, thank you" "Oh it's no problem, now go on, get out there!"

You scrambled outta bed and pulled on your boots, running outside you about ate it on the fresh sheet of ice, thankfully no one was around to see that. "Oh man a village?! I can't wait to go and explore and meet new people." Heading up the path you almost ran right past the little carved out plot, making a sharp turn, you again almost slip, this time though there was someone, two someones actually. "Oh, hello" you smiled, "Hello, I've never seen you before, you must be new" the older one said, "Braden! At least introduce yourself!" The small boy said nudging the one called Braden. Braden scoffed and walked away toward the big barn in the back. The child sighed, "I'm sorry about that, that's my older brother, Braden, he can come off as curt but he can he can be really caring and nice once you get to know him" he flashed a toothy smile, although it wasn't very toothy since he had some missing front teeth, "Anyways I'm Elijah! Nice to meet you ma'am" "I'm (name) it's nice to meet you too." Looking down at the boy you noticed his clothes seemed more fitted for working outdoors, like yours, "Hey Elijah, what do you and your brother do for a living?" "Oh we're cow farmers!" *Ik they have sheep too but they're going to be cow farmers in this story*

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