Red Scarves, Red Strings (Sami)

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Welp, here we are. You thought to yourself while settling in. You'd just moved to Salmiakki, why you might ask. Yes it's cold, yes it's harder to grow crops but you were tired of riding back and forth from Lebkuchen each day just to talk to Sami.

You've liked him since the day you collapsed from the cold and he took care of you. Sure he could come off as cold, haha 'cold', but he was so nice once you started talking to him.

Since Tempus was awake the weather has been tolerable, but since your sheep was still a baby, you weren't able to get the wool for a cloak
And you've already moved in, great thinking for sure.

"It's freezing why are we here" Vitae said shaking while over your shoulder. "Our house has heating?" "Yeah but outside it's cold", you laughed, "You'll just have to get used to it for now Vitae, maybe one day we can move to another area but for now this land is ideal for growing cold crops, and cold crops make money", "Cooked eggs will make you more though.." Vitae trailed off.

(I'll never understand why the cooked eggs make so much money but once i found out i was selling so many)

"Well guess what, we'll be selling cold crops and cooked eggs, double the cash" *double the chances of you running into Sami while selling said stuff*

Every morning you did the same routine, feed the house pets, clean and feed the barn pets, and water and collect your harvest. You used to get lucky in Lebkuchen and have the occasion rainy day which meant crops only needed to be picked and you could spend the rest of your time down in the mines gathering material you expand the farm and house.

Salmiakki has snow. Lots of it. And ice.

There was barely time for off days, you spent hours working on your land, it was so boring, you rarely had time to go visit Sami or quite literally anyone in town and if you didn't have Vitae there you'd probably start having longer conversations with your plants.

"Shouldn't you go to bed now" Vitae advised from the front door. "Yeah I will in one second" looking down at your watch you realized you only had so much time before the shops closed and you needed to sell a bunch of crops. (ik u can leave them in the basket thing but work with me here) Grabbing your bag you bundle up the products and start your journey through the snow towards the town.

It's nearing below 30 degrees, boy do you look dumb right now trying to get to town in the freezing cold. In Salmiakki the sun sets sooner than what you're used to, wild animals are everywhere and trees are tall with packed snow waiting for their moment to fall from the slightest bump. "Should have taken the horse" you said to yourself, but you were in such a hurry you didn't want to go through the process of tacking up said horse. "I bet Vitae's enjoying herself in bed with the space heaters on" you mumbled to yourself.

Wind started to pick up and snow was blowing in from both directions making visibly low. "How much further until the town?? I swore I should reached it by now. I hope I don't end up walking into that metal compass thing, that'd hurt." The snow was still in a blizzard, everything was white and blurry. A loud shriek came from something around you, started you slipped and slashed your thigh on something cold and sharp, hmm wonder what it was. Concrete hit your head and that was it.

There was a crackling sound, warm but distant. Lights were dim to not upset your eyes and head. Slowly your eyes opened and adjusted to the light. "Where am I?" You looked forward to see your leg up on an ottoman and a fireplace with a white marble mantle, you knew where you were now.

Footsteps gradually got louder from behind you, an exposed hand rested on the chair you sat in. Sami turned to face the side of you. His black coat was not on him only his white shirt and vest. His sleeves were buttoned up at the elbow and his long hair wrapped around itself in a bun. The other hand contained a wash cloth with slight blood staining.

"I-" you didn't know what to say, 'hi?' 'hello', 'how have you been?' what are you supposed to say after blacking out and getting saved. Sami added nothing to your 'I' he only bent down to a water bowl besides the ottoman and soaked the rag. Looking down you noticed the tear in your skirt was made larger but only large enough to where someone could patch it up. Still bent down on one knee, Sami placed the rag on the wound in your thigh. It burned. It wasn't a large cut but it was deep. You cringed back into the black leather chair with a small hissing sound. He didn't look at your face, his free hand however firmly grasped yours.

Sami stood up leaving the rag on your thigh, his hand didn't let yours go though, he walked around and behind the chair hand in hand with you until he let go to get something. You picked up the washcloth to peak at your injury, it wasn't pretty. Sami returned with a cleanser to wash out any bacteria from the wound. "It's going to sting" those were his first words he said this whole night. "Ok", after your response his eyes came up to yours, they were the only bright color in this room. The spray hurt and your eyes watered but it was over soon enough. Sami picked up some bandage wraps and slowly moved his hands around your thigh. It was so strange to see him this uncovered, normally he always had his gloves on but tonight with you they were off.

He finished wrapping your leg and left to return all the supplies he used back to their proper spot within the home. When he returned he pulled up another ottoman in front of your chair and took a seat. Sami always makes sure to keep eye contact. "What were you doing outside" "He's going to lecture me now isn't he" "I needed to hurry to the store before it closed so I could sell some things" you didn't always make eye contact. "Did you know the weather forecast for tonight" "Yes.. I just thought if I was fast enough I could beat it." Sami sighed and massaged his nose bridge. "You need to be careful with Salmiakki's weather, it isn't something to be taken lightly" he scolded you, "I know, it won't happen again" "It better not, I may not mind taking you into my home and healing you up but it isn't good for you to be constantly injured from snow." "At least he doesn't mind my presence I guess"

Sami let you spend the night in one of his guest rooms and you were out like a light from your massive headache. In the front hallway you sat down to tie your boots on, Sami came up from behind you. "Thanks for letting me stay the night and helping my injury" you spoke while tying one last knot, "I'm always here to help you *name*." Rising from the floor and putting your jacket on Sami gave you his red scarf, you didn't wrap it around your neck yet but let it sit covering the nape of your neck. "Guess I should get going now, thanks again Sami" still avoiding eye contact. You turned to go out the door but, "Wait" you turned to meet and hand grabbing the two ends of the scarf pulling you close. Sami's nose was adjacent to yours, he spoke quietly, "Don't loose that...and promise you'll stay safe in the future" this time you kept eye contact, "I promise." He leaned in. Your eyes only looked at his chest, your head down, and he kissed your forehead while one hand placed itself on the back of you hair. Only for a second though. "Visit often" he told you and again you promised you would. He never saw you in his house with an injury again, only to bring him blue roses and other gifts.

------------------------------------------------------------------Guys the sides of my hands hurt from holding this phone while typing. Anyways IM BACK. I'm such a liar with my last update, I'm very slow ☠️ anyways this story has been a draft for forever and i don't know where to take the story with but i just kept writing and eventually it came to me. Anyways new years resolution is to finish this, i doubt this will be the last you hear of me, i will do every character in this game and I'm aiming for two one shots per character. Idk we'll see

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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