Flour and Bread (Tristan)

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So many twists and turns my goodness. You thought while walking around Lebkuchen looking for wheat. Your friend Tristan had asked you to find some so he could show you how to make bread.

"Are you excited (name)?!" Vitae asked from the tree she was looking around, "Excited for what?" 'To learn how to make bread of course" "Oh, yeah sure, I mean it's just bread" you chuckled, "I guess, but don't you love the smell of fresh bread, and the feeling of eating something you made?" "Yeah, alright you've got a point" ,Vitae smiled to herself.

After a few minutes you found a small patch of wheat and made your way back to the shop

"I'm back", the door to the shop opened with a small ring of the bell, "Welcome back, did you find the wheat?" Tristan asked, "I did" "Good."

Tristan walked over and you gave him the wheat stalks, "Alright, follow me outside." Tristan wasn't a man of many words but it didn't bother you.

Out back of the shop was a wheat mill, "Wait if you already have wheat ready for working with, why did you ask me to find some?" "I wanted you to find some so that you can do every step, now grab some grain and we'll bring it inside." Looking around you don't see anything to put it in, so you held up your apron and put the grain in there. "Good, now let's go back inside."

You followed Tristan back inside to the kitchen where he had set up all the ingredients and bowls you two will use, "I see you've set everything up" you looked over to Tristan as he held out a bag infront of you for the grain to go into. "I have", he walked over to the counter, you trialing behind. "Ok so will you get a cup of flour and put it into that bowl right there?" "Mhm." Taking out the measuring cup Tristan had set out, you measured a cup exactly and plopped it down in the bowl causing a bunch of power to fly out onto your face.

Tristan let out a small laugh but stopped himself in fear you didn't find it funny. "Did you just-" Tristan's eyes widen and a blush appeared on his face, "Did I just hear you laugh?" You said surprised, Tristan wasn't much of the laughing type. "I just thought it was funny to have you look so surprised all the flour ended up on you" he looked down, "Well it is pretty funny, I should have figured it would fly up since I dumped it from so high up" you said trying to reassure him he didn't do anything wrong, "Yeah you need to pour it in slowly and from not so high up" Tristan walked over the counter behind you to grab a cloth, he than walked up to you and with a red face he dusted off the flour from your face. "Oh, thank you" you said not really knowing what expression to make. The two of you stay quite for a few seconds before Tristan clears his throat, "Anyways let's continue" "Right."

Tristan showed you how to form the dough and how much of each ingredient you would need.

"Ok (name) you need to knead the dough and then we'll set it to proof" Tristan said while leaning on the counter. Looking down at the dough you suddenly became self-conscious, "Why am I nervous? All I have to do is knead bread it's not that hard."

Something was making you nervous but you weren't sure what it was, so looking past that you started working the dough. "No, no, no, you're doing this wrong" Tristan cut in sighing, "Oh, I am?" "Yes, you are." He came up behind you and taking your hands he worked the dough. His touch was soft but became firm each time both your hands went to the dough. Tristan's body was right on you, his chest to your back, and because of your similar heights his head rested next to your face. At this point your whole body was burning, you could feel the blood running in your face and arms, I think you now know why you felt so embarrassed earlier. Of course Tristan was oblivious to what he was doing at the moment, he saw his work before his feelings. Although once the dough was ready to go set he realized what he had done. "Oh, I-i um... Sorry about that" he stepped back, "Don't worry about it, it's alright" you said keeping your eyes down, he noticed. "Look I'm sorry I made it weird, I didn't mean to" this made you snap out of your spacing out, "No it's fine really, I know you didn't mean to...it just took me by surprise, that's all" you let out a soft smile.

*Tristan's point of view*

"Oh gosh why'd she have to smile like that" Tristan's face was on fire and up until now he hadn't realized this wasn't the first time she had made him blush.

He liked you, a lot.

"(Name?) Why don't you go wait out by the farm, I set out a blanket for us to sit and have lunch on while we wait for the bread to finish" "Alright, when will you be joining me?" You asked, "I'll be out there in a bit, I won't take too long" Tristan said as he turned around to start cleaning up, "Ok" you said and went out to the farm.

*Tristan's pov*

"What am I going to do now?" "It's not like I know if she likes me, I haven't seen any hints."

You've actually given him many hints before, he just can be oblivious when he's in a working mood.

"Ugh, this is ridiculous" Tristan said putting his head in his hands.

After finishing the cleaning Tristan headed out to meet you at the farm.

*Nobody's pov*

"Why hello" you said hanging upside down from the tree, "Took you long enough" you laughed, "I can see that" Tristan said looking up at you. "Yeah I got a little impatient so I was trying to entertain myself by climbing this tree" you said before jumping down. "Sorry about that, I was distracted by my thoughts" he said as he sat down on the picnic blanket, you joined sitting right next to him, "Oh? What's on your mind" "I'm not quite sure myself, I just started to notice something about myself" "Like something you don't like?" You asked, "No not myself, but...I dunno how to explain it" Tristan shrugged his shoulders, "Well I can't help you if you don't tell me Tristan" Tristan took in a breath and closed his eyes, "Look (name) I'm not good at talking about these sort of things..." He looked over at you and quickly turned to the ground red, "However I'm willing to say it if you promise not to laugh" he said gaining enough confidence to look back at you, "I promise" you said, "Looking back from today I've come to the realization that I've grown quite fond of you, now you don't need to feel pressured to respond but I just wanted to tell you." During Tristan's speech you knew where it was going, your heart starting beating fast and your body grew red, you've always liked Tristan but you never wanted to risk anything by saying something, so you didn't. Although now that he's came out and said how he feels you feel as if a weight had been taken off your chest.

Tristan kept his head to the ground till he felt a tap to his shoulder, "I like you too" you said smiling at him, Tristan's cheeks grew red and his mouth hung open a bit not knowing what to say causing you to let out a small laugh, "Wait really?!" His mind still was having trouble processing things, "Yes really."

The both of you felt a mixture of happiness and a weirded out feeling because neither of you knew what to do next. Both of you stayed quite for a second till Tristan asked.

"(Name?)" "Yes?" "Would it be ok if I hugged you?" "It certainly would" you smiled and put your arms around his neck. That surprised him a bit as he thought you were going to hug his around his waist, so surprised in fact that he fell on his back with you on top. Neither of you cared and Tristan soon wrapped his arms around you and there under the tree you stayed in each other's arms.

Ahh ok it's done, I'm so so sorry it took such a long time for me to finish, I didn't plan on having it take this long, originally I started working on it they day after I finished the Braden one and then I almost finished it but I got stuck because I felt like I hadn't captured Tristan's character (which I still feel like) but today I got a boost of inspiration so I finally got to it, although I don't like how short and fast paced it was so again I apologize, but no need to fret because I'm probably going to write another about him, like I plan to do with other characters so yeah hopefully by then (ik I keep saying hopefully by then, bear with me I've never written anything publicly) I will have a better grasp of the characters, but everyone's gotta start somewhere. Anyways I'm not sure who I'm gonna write about next but I'm sure I'll think of someone, you're always welcome to leave suggestions if you wish, too!

Anyways like always stay safe and have a lovely day/night I love you all and thank you so very much for reading :)

Word count 1644 (~‾▿‾)~

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